Chapter 3

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"Uh, umm, i__" Jungkook stutters. But before he could bring himself to form a proper sentence, the door slams shut in his face, thereby abruptly cutting him off.

He staggers backwards in surprise, different weird thoughts already rummaging through his mind. First off, the stranger was the one who totally yanked open his front door by himself, without a care in the world as to who exactly was on the other side of it. So, he really wasn't a creep, neither was he a prying stalker who derived pleasure from feeding off of his neighbors privacy. But, since the man barely give him nor provided him with an audience to explain himself, he could only hope he didn't perceive him as a lurker.

Still mindlessly deep within his thoughts, the door swings open again, this time not as casually wide as before, but just enough to peak one's head through.

"Who are you?" The man behind the door asks, his previous luscious look already ditched for a pair of sweatpants and a button down shirt.

Jungkook blinks his full set of lashes faster than one would in a second, certainly not oblivious to the fact that the man was now fully clothed. Damn, how fast did he even do that?

"I'm sorry" Jungkook mumbles underneath his breath as he began. "I swear, I really wasn't prying on you earlier or anything like that, I only wanted to know if you were the one who put up the sign out front"

"What sign?" The man frowns, his brows furrowing together into messy lines.

"The handyman sign actually, I wanted to know if you were the one who__"

"Ohh," a sigh of relief escapes his plump lips, the scowl on his face eventually fading into calm, further accentuating his already gorgeous features. "I did put it up because I recently just moved in and found out a few things were either out of place or not working properly"

Sensing the softer tone in which the man now addressed him, Jungkook's previously heightened nerve senses came simmering down by a notch, causing him to breath out a deep sigh of relief as well.

"Are you perhaps the one the complex caretaker sent?" The man further inquired, after Jungkook had practically kept him mute for a few undeserving minutes.

Jungkook shook his head, adjusting the straps of his backpack over his shoulder. "No, I actually live next door to you, so that makes me your neighbor and I just so happened to see the sign on my way back"

"Oh I see. So, you're not an handyman?"

"I am" Jungkook gasps out as quickly as he could.

"Hmm, but you don't look it"

The man's statement almost made Jungkook choke on his spit, but he pretty much managed to keep himself in check. "Why? Do I somehow need to get the words handyman tattooed on my forehead before I appear so?"

"No, of course not" He chuckles acutely, his eyes raking all over Jungkook's buff frame. "It's simply because you're not professionally dressed, neither do I see a tool box anywhere in sight" he says, clearly pointing out the obvious.

"Oh that," Jungkook chuckles nervously in return. "Well I do have one, but I thought it would be proper for me to tell you first before getting it you know?"

"My kitchen sink, that's the only thing that needs urgent fixing"

"A Sink? That's it? actually anybody can get a sink fixed, it's not that big of a deal, neither is it some sort of rocket science that is complicated" Jungkook trivializes, feeling really great about his smart ass response.

"Okay then, go get your tool box, I'll be waiting"

Jungkook hurries back to his apartment, quickly ditching his clothings for a more appropriate kind, before grabbing his box of tools from beneath one of the kitchen drawers then hurriedly returning back to his neighbors flat.

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