Chapter 6

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Jungkook rapidly blinked up a few times, a silent gasp escaping his thin lips at the sight of the the man currently anchoring him to dear life with the aid of his arms. His breath somewhat hitches at the back of his throat, allowing millions of probing questions to swarm about in his hazy mind. He didn't quite get it, neither could he make any sense of it, as to why he often bumped into the man in very unfavorable and unpleasant situations. What a messed up world.

"Are you perhaps stalking me?" Jungkook questions without much thought, detangling his body from the man's grip and properly propping himself up to his feet.

Seokjin did nothing but stare at him, his deep brown eyes holding zero to no emotions as they scanned the boy like a private access code. "I suppose that is your way of telling me thank you, after preventing you from plunging right into the ground" He eventually asks, smoothing out the fine fabric of his beige colored sleeve.

Jungkook batted his long lashes yet again, his lips already falling open in order to immediately counter all of the man's words. But, that plan would eventually head down south as Seokjin spoke again, in a much firmer tone compared to before.

"Stalking you? Are you trying to be funny right now? Because I can totally bet it's the other way around here"

"I bet not!" Jungkook hollers defensively, glaring drone daggers at the man. "I work here, hello__" he continued, beckoning for Seokjin to spare a glance at the metallic name tag pinned to left top of his scrub, like a broche "I work here as a nurses assistant, so you see? I have a valid reason to be here, whereas you do not"

Seokjin's insanely gorgeous features instantly breaks out into a small smile, "Jung what is that your name again?"

"Kook! Jungkook for crying out loud. How many times do I have to tell you that?"

"Ohh. Well you see Jungkook, I bet you have no idea just how much of a chitchatter you are, because I swear to God, this mouth of yours never stops yapping even for a split second"

With a deep brow drop on his face, Jungkook swiftly tucks his lips in. For the record, he was the one who disliked chatty people from the onset, so having Seokjin easily use his own words against him, definitely did not sit well with his ego.

Trying hard to ignore the pang of defeated in his chest, Jungkook cleared his throat, prompting to drag on the conversation. "That still doesn't answer the question as to what on earth you're doing here"

"I don't think I'm obligated to answer that question, Jungkook" Seokjin says, staring at the very inquisitive boy.

"Woah, and people call me rude?" Jungkook tsks pitifully, shaking his head in disbelief.

Jungkook's actions ended up earning him a long ass eye roll from Seokjin, accompanied by a small chuckle, "You're something else" He whispers underneath his breath.

"Anyways__" Jungkook began, wiping his sweaty palms dry on his pants. "Since you won't tell me why you're here, I guess I'll just have to be on my way then, so as not to bother you any further. You seem like a very secretive person and that creeps the shit out of me, goodbye flower boy"

Without awaiting an audible response from Seokjin, Jungkook saunted away, mumbling and grumbling gibberish underneath his breath.

Taking in shallow breaths to calm his beating heart, Seokjin garners up enough courage to finally push the door open. Eventually ushering his tall frame into a dimly lighted room where an elderly woman laid still in bed, a breathing tube attached to her nostrils, with the heart rate machine continuously beeping away by each second.

"Uncle Jinnie!" A little boy beams with utmost excitement, as he jumped down from the couch by the window, eagerly sprinting towards him.

Immediately, Seokjin crouches to the ground, his arms wide open to receive the excited little one. "Hey soldier, I missed you" he beamed right back at him, patting the curly mass of hair on his head.

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