Part 2

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Karan sees Mahira and throws her veil on the floor, rage in his eyes.

Mahira dreamily thinks, Karan hates Preeta so he won't be angry with me at all now that he knows I'm under the veil and he probably lifted the veil in anger because he's angry with Preeta as I don't think Rano Aunty would've mentioned my name at all.

She then looks at Karan with a hopeful smile playing on her lips. Karan raises his voice, "where is Preeta and why are you in her clothes? What have you done with her?"

Mahira shouts, furiously,"I'm not in Preeta's clothes I am going around in Mrs. Karan Luthra's clothes and why are you so concerned about Preeta she not even your friend!"

Karan says at the top of his lungs, "Your not Mrs. Karan Luthra as I am already married to Preeta and your right Preeta is not my friend as she is my wife!"

Mahira says, "have you forgotten how she pushed me into the truck, how she pushed Mahesh uncle off the stairs, how she sent that notice and how she got Rishabh kidnapped." Mahira starts to sob, in hopes of gaining sympathy from Karan.

"Even if she murders someone that does not give you the right to do something wrong with her as the police will deal with her if we have proof against her, now tell me where is she and what have you done with her," demanded Karan, ignoring all of Mahira's 'tears'.

"I don't know where she is but she left a note saying that she is leaving Luthra house as she doesn't like anyone who lives here and that's why I had to wear these clothes to save you and your family from humiliation Karan, " says Mahira, still keeping up her fake tears act.

Karan demands Mahira to show him the notice.

" I threw it the bin," lies Mahira.

"Why would you throw it the bin?" questions Karan.

Mahira remains quiet and Karan says "fine if you don't want tell me where Preeta is then I will go find her myself but after I do this."

Mahira looks at Karan shocked and see's him going to the microphone and hears him saying "my wife, Mrs. Preeta Karan Luthra has gone missing and I am going to find her."

Mahira gets pissed on hearing Mrs. Preeta Karan Luthra and angrily goes to her room. Karan leaves Luthra mansion to find Preeta as for some reason he felt incomplete without her, he felt as if she was someone extremely close to him and he hated himself for still loving someone who had tried to harm his family multiple times.


Preeta sees Prithvi and pleads, " along with me you also kidnapped Prithvi ji, please let him go! You shouldn't ruin his life, I'll give you double the amount of money Mahira did to let us go."

Pawan laughs and says, "maybe you didn't hear me clearly, my name is Pawan Mahultra, in other words I'm Prithvi Mahultra's brother."

Preeta shakes her head in no and yells, "your lying let me and Privthi ji go I will go give you double the money Mahira is giving you!"

Pawans says, "if you don't believe me look here my photo with Bhai and this is Maa see Bhabhi ji," Preeta gets shocked and thinks, why does everyone always betray or disappoint me, first Karan didn't believe me when I told him about my whereabouts during Rishab ji's marriage to Sherlyn and now, now Prithvi ji - Prithvi's trying to marry me forecefully!

Preeta says, "I am already married to Karan and not married to Privthvi ji so stop calling me Bhabhi ji."

Pawan says, "Your marriage will only happen to Bhai and you will be my Bhabhi ji so until you get married to Bhai I will not call you Bhabhi ji but after your marriage I will only call you Bhabhi ji."


Sherlyn goes to Mahira's room and shouts, "where is Preeta because one thing I know for sure is that she did not leave any note!"

Mahira gets surprised and asks, "how did you know about the note?"

Sherlyn replies, "first answer me then I will answer you."

Mahira tell Sherlyn, "Preeta is with Ravan who is going to make her marry Prithvi"

Sherlyn yells, worry evident in her voice, "what, who is this Ravan and where is he?"

Mahira replies, "I don't know where he is but he name is Pawan Mahultra."

"Pawan," whispers Sherlin and then yells, "Mahira, you don't know what you have done Pawan is that person who makes everyones lives hell, he's half psycho and he can make our lives hell and on top of all that Preeta's marrying Prithvi and I love Prithvi,"

Mahira says, "nothing wrong has happened now the perfect matches will be set, me with Karan, you with Rishabh and Preeta with Prith...."

"Prithvi is mine and mine only!" Sherlyn interrupts and shoots Mahira a warning glare before storming out of the room. Little did the two of them know that someone had heard their whole conversation and was now feeling ashamed, guilty and devestated.


A lady thinks, I can't believe a girl like Sherlyn could cheat on Rishabh, that too with that Prithvi!!! Everything that Sherlyn has been accused of by Preeta is true... I can't believe this. And everything that Preeta was accused of must be false!!! And Mahira, I thought she would be better than this. I was always wrong about Preeta. I'm so sorry god, I blamed an innocent and supported crime, please forgive me. But before I ask forgiveness from Preeta I need to find her and then we need to kick Sherlyn out of Luthra house permanently. I also need to inform Preeta that Prithvi is the father of Sherlyn's baby because I don't think Preeta knows, for she was about to marry him!

Who is the person who heard Sherlyn's and Mahira's conversation???

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~ Riya Sharma 

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