Part 8

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"Mahesh uncle, please come inside,"
Preeta requests and Mahesh and Rishabh come inside.

Sarla brings some tea for them and they talk for a little while, while drinking the tea. Soon they finish the tea and Mahesh says, "Sarla ji, I actually come here because Rakhi ji told me everything that happened while I was in coma and I just wanted to say that I'm really ashamed of my family and I sorry, please let Preeta come and stay with us I will personally ensure that she is respected."

"I'm sorry Mahesh ji but I can not let my daughter live with a man and family who continuously insulted her," Sarla replies sternly.

Understanding that it would be nearly impossible to convince Sarla, Rishabh sighs, "very well Sarla Aunty but please do think over this at least once."

Rishabh and Mahesh bid farewell to Preeta, Sarla, Shrishti, Janki and Nani.

As soon as they leave Sarla says, "Preeta I think we should get you married to someone else only then will you be free of Karan entirely."

"Bhen ji are you sure we should take this decision this quickly?" Janki asks.

"Yes I am and I also think that Shrishti should also get married," Sarla suggests not happy with the growing closeness of Shrishti and Sameer.

"What?! No way Mama I am not marrying anybody yet," Shrishti yells.

"Please beta, I only wish for your happiness and I am sure you will be happy once your married," Sarla says and thinks, Shrishti I know your starting to develop a soft corner for Sameer but I do not want you to go to the same house that caused your sister so much pain. I know that Sameer is a good man and would keep you happy but I can not say the same for his family. What if they hurt and accuse you as well? I would not be able to tolerate that as Sameer would have to remain quiet against his family as they are his elders. I know Sherlyn and Mahira are gone from that house but Sherlyn is still not in jail even if she is under house arrest she could plan anything, anything that could hurt you and Preeta my sorry Shrishti but I have to take away your love to keep you safe.

"Maa, maa are you okay?" Preeta says, worried about why Sarla wasn't replying to her. S

arla comes out of her thoughts and says, "yes I perfectly fine."

"Mumma I was saying I don't want to marry as I don't think I'll be happy if I get married at such a young age I'm only 22 years old," Shrishti says and thinks, Maa I won't be happy if I'm married to anyone other than Sammy and I know you won't agree for mine and his marriage just yet but I love Sammy and can't live without him.

"Okay Shrishti but once Preeta is married off and happy we will not delay your marriage for you are only two years younger than her, so we will get you get you married," Sarla.

"Okay Mumma, " Shrishti says with a sigh and looks pleadingly towards Preeta silently requesting her to decline for marriage.

"Preeta now tell me are you ready to get married?" Sarla asks. Preeta looks at Shrishti then at Sarla and she says ...................................


Mahesh and Rishabh reach Luthra mansion. As soon as Rishabh comes in with Mahesh, Dadi rushes towards them and asks, "Mahesh, beta before I couldn't talk with you as you had already left to meet Preeta. How are you? Did Preeta come back with you?"

"First of all, Mom I am not talking to any of you for you have wronged Preeta in uncountable ways and second of all Preeta will not come back as both she and her mother have refused, for reasons I can clearly understand for I were in their shoes I probably would've given the same answer," Mahesh and pushes his wheelchair away from them to go to the downstairs guest room.

To say Mahesh was furious with all of them would be an understatement. Bani Dadi looks at Rishabh and says, with tears brimming her eyes, "Rishabh beta, please try and make Mahesh understand, we know we have done wrong with Preeta but by shooing us all away it won't make her return."

"Dadi I am sorry but I think Dad is right you shouldn't have behaved with Preeta ji the way you did though I am certain that will talk to you again, I think he just needs a little time to himself now and as do I," Rishabh replies and walks off to his room.

"Bhabhi..." Kareena starts to say but Rakhi interrupts, "Kareena Di I know very well you are going to try and ask me to go and convince Mahesh ji to talk to you all but I think Rishabh was right so I am sorry and I don't think that even if I were to try and talk to him Mahesh ji would agree to talk to all of you."

Rakhi too leaves for the master as Mahesh had asked her, Rishabh, Sameer and Kritika to give him some time to himself.


Karan is in his room and tears are continuously rolling down his cheeks. Karan thinks, no Karan you need to stop crying you need to be strong, you need to win back Preeta's trust, you need to do what mom told you to do.


Karan closes his rooms door and locks it. Karan leans against his rooms door and lets out the tears that he was holding back since Mahesh had refused to talk to him. Karan hears banging on his door and says, in a cracked voice, "I don't want to talk to anyone right please go away."

"Karan beta, please just listen to me once," says a familiar female voice and Karan recognizes it to be Rakhi's.

"Mom, please just leave me alone for a few minute," Karan says, trying not to sound rude.

"Karan beta, open the door, tujhe meri kasam hai," Rakhi says. Karan sighs and opens the door.

As soon as Karan opens the door he throws himself into Rakhi's arms and cries, ""

"Ssh, ssh, they don't hate you Preeta's trust has just been broken but it will heal overtime and your dad he's just upset with you, he'll never be able to hate you," Rakhi says pulling away from the hug and cupping Karan's face.

"You want Preeta to trust you right?" Rakhi asks and Karan nods.

"Then trust her, support her, stand with her even if the rest of the world against her, you've already went against her before, don't repeat that mistake," Rakhi says.

"But..Maa hasn't she.. already admitted she doesn't wa..want any..anything to.. do.. with me," Karan replies in a shattered voice.

"So what? I thought you didn't give up so easily on anything, especially on the woman you love?" Rakhi replies.

Karan looks at Rakhi shocked and says, ""

"I'm your mother I know you better than you know yourself, " Rakhi replies.

"," Karan starts but Rakhi interrupts, "Karan it's all right to be afraid, it's all right to be upset but please let me know as its not good to hide all of your emotions, it's always more than okay to let someone know if your feeling upset or angry about something for concealing emotions is never the best option and for now I will leave you alone and you can some time to yourself but do think over my words."

"Ok.Okay..Mom," Karan says and Rakhi leaves. Karan locks his door and starts crying.

*Flashback ends*

And so does this part!

1280+ words

What will Preeta tell Sarla?

Will Karan and Preeta unite?

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~Riya Sharma

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