Chapter 13

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Omega. Decadent theater of the galaxy's worst. Silent witness of his battlesleep. The stench of its streets, the sharp noise coming from the heart of the asteroid, and the blurred red halo of its neon lights triggered a set of memories in his mind.

Thane needed to focus. The Normandy was already docked at the space station. The crew and team had an official shore leave of ten hours. The installation of the Thanix Cannon, made using turian technology, would take a good chunk of those free hours. With the exception of Officer Lawson, Doctor Solus, and Operative Taylor, everyone else left the ship and mingled in the streets and nooks. Shepard and Samara too.

"In position," Kasumi said through Thane's omni-tool's transmitter.

"Don't lose sight of them," Thane whispered. "I'll get to higher ground."

At first glance, the constructions that shaped the station seemed solid and impenetrable. Anyone, whether a resident of this rock or an unfortunate guest, would be unable to pinpoint a way to break in among the hermetic metal finish. Thane, however, could. He knew this place like the back of his hand. And even if he didn't, he needed only to call to mind the memory of Omega's blueprint and he'd know for certain how to find his way.

He quickly checked his surroundings, and after making sure there were no witnesses around, he entered one of the ventilation ducts which ran above the aisles. From there he noticed the Commander and the justicar walking towards Afterlife, the main nightclub of this space station. Thane crawled through the vent stealthily and took a turn to the left. It was just as he remembered, and after a few minutes the air route led inside the den. The pulse of the music made the whole structure vibrate. Its relentless rhythm mercilessly pounded his senses making him relive a memory of five or so years back.

The music resounds like machete clangs in my inner ears. Below me, on the dance floor, the tide of dancers moves like one being, victims of the catchy rhythm. The air stinks of red sand and sweat. I watch the bar. Seated on its stools I count two turians, two asari, four humans, and one batarian. The latter orders a drink from the bartender. He speaks his native language, for they are of the same species. I adjust my rifle scope, pointing directly to his forehead between his upper eyes. I want to press the trigger but I resist the temptation. He doesn't deserve a clean death. I aim higher to the chain supporting one of the lights hanging right above him. I shoot. Explosion. Chaos. I don't care about collateral damage. I holster my rifle and climb down. I drag him from under the debris and splinters. He twists himself screaming in pain. I'm deaf to his cries, as he and his accomplices were to Irikah's pleas. Aria T'Loak's guards arrive soon after. Turians and batarians of her private security staff shoot the air, attempting to make themselves heard. They achieve the exact opposite effect. The shouts and cries are collective and total. In the midst of the panic, nobody notices me dragging the semi-conscious batarian. The hours will be long and the pain I plan to inflict on him slow and surgical. No one will miss us.

Thane shut his eyes in an effort to return to the present. How long had he been gone in that memory? He hastened to seek Shepard and Samara with the help of his rifle scope. He spotted them going upstairs to Aria's private room. He crawled through the ventilation duct until he reached the area right above Omega's de facto ruler. He ran his eyes across the place below him through the grids.

"They're in Afterlife," he whispered. "Where are you?"

"Behind the couch right across from Aria," Kasumi replied with a written message to his omni-tool.

Thane sharpened his gaze and searched for that subtle holographic effect that her cloaking shield had, but couldn't spot her. The human was more capable than he had originally given her credit for. He listened to Aria suggest that Shepard and Samara go to a residential block located to the left of Afterlife's main entry, for that was the area where the Ardat-Yakshi's last victim had lived.

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