Chapter 14

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As she arrived at the Normandy's docking bay, Shepard found Miranda coordinating the technicians, who were already working on the installation of the Thanix cannon. The Cerberus officer updated her on the details pertaining to the upgrade. If everything went according to plan, the ship would be ready to resume the journey in about five hours. Shepard asked her whether she needed her for anything, to which Miranda assured her that she and Jacob were taking care of everything. When she inquired after Mordin, Miranda commented that, as usual, the doctor was working in the lab.

"I made the right decision by booking Omega for this upgrade," Miranda said proudly. "Even though the technology is turian, traveling to Palaven for its installation would not only have taken more time and fuel, but also more credits. Garrus' tip secured us a considerable discount."

"Good job, Miranda," Shepard said.

As she walked through the bridge of the second deck towards the elevator, Shepard thought that perhaps it wasn't so hard to bear her second-in-command's sporadic displays of arrogance and supremacy if it meant efficiency at work, such as the upgrade in progress.

She entered her cabin and immediately took off her high heels. Her feet thanked her for being able to stand firmly on the ground with the entire sole of her foot again. She wasn't used to dressing to impress, but Samara's instructions had been clear.

Judging by how things had turned out, Shepard believed she had done a good job, for the Ardat-Yakshi had taken the bait and the justicar had taken care of the rest. Besides a sudden headache, Shepard had come out completely unharmed from that encounter.

As soon as they had reached the Normandy, Samara had gone to the third deck and closed herself behind the doors of Starboard Observation. Shepard had asked her how she was after what had happened, but the justicar had dodged the question and had made it clear she wished to be alone.

She changed clothes into something more comfortable, deciding on her black leggings, boots, a black sleeveless T-shirt and a leather jacket. Almost all her clothing had the N7 logo and, honestly, she preferred to wear those outfits with pride than the collection with Cerberus', even if she wasn't officially part of the Alliance anymore. As soon as she was wearing the new attire, she felt a lot more comfortable. She took a painkiller, adjusted her pistol holster on her hips, and left for the second deck to choose a light gun to take with her. She still felt the rhythm of the music beating in her veins, thinking that that visit to Afterlife had been too short for her liking. For once, she wanted to unwind and have fun.

As the elevator door opened on the second deck she bumped into Thane. Shepard went out, whereas he remained standing in the same place, instead of entering the elevator as it seemed had been his original plan. He seemed somewhat agitated; there was something in his demeanor that didn't quite make sense, but she failed to identify what.

"Already coming back from the shore leave, Thane?" Shepard joked.

"I only had a quick walk through the station," he said.

"And you took your sniper rifle for it?"

"It's Omega, Shepard. You're also taking your weapon," he said, pointing at her gun holster around her hips.

Shepard smiled and she saw a small smile appear at the corners of his lips, too. Thane pressed the button to call the elevator, opening its doors.

"Well, I'll be in Afterlife with the rest. You know where to find us," Shepard walked towards the armory.

"Shepard," Thane called at her back.

She turned.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

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