Chapter 19

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"This reminds me of miso soup," Shepard said, taking a spoonful of Sarge-Un'Lah to her mouth.

Thane tilted his head and blinked, puzzled. He made her smile.

"It's a dish from Earth, from East Asia."

"Panther, Rococo, miso. It seems my translator doesn't know these words."

Shepard looked at him, surprised. Then she laughed. Her musical laughter was contagious and he couldn't help but smile.

"Wait, when did I tell you about panthers?"

"On our first conversation when I came aboard the Normandy. You said I had walked before you like a panther in the Dantius Tower."

Shepard stared at a random point in the distance. Then she smiled as if she finally remembered. She activated her omni-tool and a few seconds later, she showed him her holo screen.

"This is a panther," she said. She searched for another word in the browser. "This is a Rococo dress. European women of noble birth wore them and they needed many maids to be able to get into one. A nightmare," she said, and immediately she searched for another image. "This is miso soup. It's a very comforting dish, similar to the ramen for sale at the Zakera ward on the Citadel, but it has no noodles. It contains miso which is a fermented soybean paste responsible for its flavor."

Thane slid the images on her holo screen with his index, arriving at the first one. He observed the earth animal carefully. It had four legs, a tail, and pointy ears. It also had glossy jet-black fur, a piercing golden gaze, and big fangs.

Noticing his interest, Shepard searched for a video of the animal. She played it for him. It moved stealthily through an open prairie with its gaze focused on its prey, a much bigger animal; yet somehow, a naiver one, for it was busy grazing, oblivious to the imminent danger. Each calculated step highlighted the panther's muscles, rippling under its fur with artistic grace. Suddenly, the panther crouched level with the floor and slowly advanced forward. Its prey stopped its chewing, moving its ears as if it knew it was being watched. In a matter of seconds the panther jumped, its front claws extended to their maximum length. It buried the sharp tips into its prey's flesh as the hunted animal howled and twitched, trying in vain to free itself from the predator. The panther bit the animal's neck, drawing blood. The animal's spams decreased until it finally stopped moving. Next, the panther began ripping off the skin to eat.

Thane raised his gaze from the screen, looking at Shepard. The omni-tool's orange glow cast her features in a warm flare. She deactivated the device and met his eyes, smiling.

"Do you think I'm similar to that animal?"

Her smile disappeared. She touched his forearm.

"Have I offended you? I didn't say it as an insult."

"On the contrary, Shepard. I take it as a compliment. I can see the similarities through the eyes of those unaccustomed to dealing with a professional assassin. The difference is that animal is a natural-born predator."

"And you?"

"I'm an assassin because I was trained to be one from the age of six."

"So it's not your nature."


"What would you have liked to be then?"

Thane looked into her eyes. He had once before had a similar conversation in his life.

But were you ever given the choice? That's all I'm trying to say. Have you ever truly lived your life?

"I don't know," he said.

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