Chapter 21

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Some deaths have the name of their assassin engraved in blood on the skin. Some debts in life have to be settled personally, and no one else has the right to settle them for us. Throughout the years, the Shadow Broken had made plenty of enemies in the galaxy, and Thane and Doctor T'Soni were far from the only ones. And yet, when the time came, it was the two of them who, together, made sure to end his kingdom of privileged information sold to the highest bidder from the shadows. Two strangers fighting side by side for the same reason: revenge.

Seeing Shepard smashed against the wall with such force by the Broker's strike that she was unable to rise had twisted something within Thane. The image of Irikah's body, lifeless and bled-out, manifested in his mind like a bolt of lightning. His stomach and chest burned with rage, his jaw tensed, his gaze focused on his mark through the scope, his fingers swift and precise loading the rifle with his shredder ammo.

Only his reflexes, honed by years of training and practice, had allowed him to dodge the massive desk surface the Broker had launched their way. Thane had rolled to the side and immediately after found cover behind a pillar. Whether the yahg had underestimated him based on his diagnosis, or whether he wanted to focus solely on Doctor T'Soni and Shepard, was irrelevant. In any case, not being his center of attention had allowed Thane to move towards the upper level, where a convenient half wall separated both areas, granting him a privileged view to aim at the Shadow Broker. The rest was history.

Once they had confirmed that the colossal yahg lay dead on the floor, Doctor T'Soni had immediately called pilot Jeff Moreau, requesting assistance to bring Shepard to Normandy. Having done that, the asari freed her drell friend from the execution chair where they had found him. Thane had lifted Shepard in his arms, taking her to the ship's docking hatch. A few minutes later, Officer Vakarian and Grunt had arrived in a shuttle.

The third deck of the Normandy was in disarray. Doctor Solus had come down from his lab on the second level to assist Doctor Chakwas in the med bay. Officer Lawson was also with him. The shutters of the med bay were closed. Thane remained perfectly still with his back against the adjacent wall, looking at the closed door. He held his hands behind his back. Officer Vakarian paced from side to side. Jack, Grunt, Massani, and Tali'Zorah approached Thane, asking him what had happened. Samara and Kasumi also joined the rest in the mess.

What happened? Thane wondered the same. The question had him in visceral suspense, like a constant bad omen nestled in the pit of his stomach, making him fear the worst. From some place in his head, a weak but persistent voice told him this had been his fault. He squared his shoulders and raised his chin, ignoring it.

The door of the med bay opened as Operative Taylor left carrying Shepard's armor. Right away, Tali'Zorah and Vakarian bombarded him with questions about the Commander's health.

"I have no idea about that," he said briefly. "I need to check her armor for any flaws," he said, walking towards the elevator.

As the doors opened, Doctor T'Soni and her drell friend appeared, entering the third deck. Tali'Zorah closed in and both women embraced. Then it was Vakarian's turn. Thane greeted the drell with a brief head bow. The younger drell walked to him.

"Feron," he introduced himself.

The familiar accent and cadence of his native tongue was a breath of fresh air to his ears. Thane deactivated his translator and, noticing this, the younger one did the same.

"Krios," Thane said.

"Liara told me I should thank Commander Shepard and you for having assisted her in rescuing me from the Shadow Broker," Feron said with clear emotion in his voice.

The asari doctor was at the door of the med bay, negotiating her entrance with Officer Lawson. Vakarian and Tali'Zorah remained in the proximity of the med bay, awaiting any news on Shepard's condition. Sargent Gardner was busy cleaning the countertop and arranging dishes and tableware. He didn't dare to raise his gaze towards the windows with closed shutters right across from him.

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