Chapter 29

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"Shepard, you came," Liara said with surprise in her soft voice as she saw Shepard enter.

The place looked different. It was the same main operations room in the Shadow Broker's ship, yet her friend had installed a couple of terminals with holo screens showing graphics and statistics that were updated in real time. With the exception of a white drone levitating by her side, Liara was alone. The superb ship now seemed even bigger without the former Broker's private army she had decimated. Shepard closed in, greeting her friend with a hug.

"I'm relieved to know you're fine," Liara said. "I've been in contact with Doctor Chakwas and she told me about your recovery."

"So you decided to stay here," Shepard said, walking together to the main control panel.

"Is it wrong that part of me wants this?" Liara said, running her sapphire eyes over the many holo screens displayed. "With this contact network; agents in the field throughout the galaxy; and privileged information on every government, army, concern, company ..."

"Do they already know the Shadow Broker isn't the same anymore?"

"They don't have to. The yahg used a distortion for his voice when talking to his agents. I've been using the same tool. They carry on their operations as per usual, everything's the same for them."

"Isn't it too much for you, Liara? Consider how you changed when trying to get clues to find Feron."

"What do you mean, Shepard?"

"You became a stranger." They held each other's gaze for a long while. Liara lowered hers and turned around, looking at the holo screens.

"Everything I did was necessary. First trying to find your body, and once we gave it to Cerberus, trying to rescue Feron," she said with that cold edge in her voice, like that time in her office on Nos Astra.

"Where is he?"

"I convinced him to go to Kahje and be checked by drell doctors. He wanted to stay working but I forced him to go. He was too weak, not only physically. He knows I await him with open arms once he's recovered from the trauma of having been tied to that execution chair for two years."

Liara lowered her gaze. She pressed her lips and let her head fall. Shepard approached her and hugged her by her shoulders. She felt the tension of her muscles through her jacket.

"How did he become your associate?"

"He was a double agent for the Shadow Broker and Cerberus. He pointed me in the direction of where your body could be, we met on Omega ..." Liara turned around, facing her. "We couldn't allow you to end up in the hands of the Broker's henchmen, because he wanted to give you to the Collectors. It was then that Feron confessed he was working undercover for the Illusive Man."

Shepard took a step back and turned to look around the room. Being in this place once again and hearing about how her body had been passed from hand to hand like some kind of merchandise ... She let out a sigh, going upstairs towards the upper level behind the holo screens. She noticed two more information terminals in that area.

"You've been busy," Shepard said casually, pointing at both devices.

"I've cataloged the old Shadow Broker's stored information," Liara said, walking towards her with the drone following her closely. "I did it for you. If I can help in any way, all of my field agents are at your disposal," she said, drawing a shy smile. "Feel free to check and download whatever information you like. The old Broker kept dossiers on each member of your team. There's even one on the Illusive Man."

"You didn't know Cerberus was planning to resurrect me, did you, Liara?"

"Of course I didn't! Shepard, I cried for you for two years. I believed you dead, or at least in a coma." Liara looked into her eyes. "You don't believe me," she said. "What is it, Shepard?"

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