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The next day at school, was not a great day

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The next day at school, was not a great day. Not only for Max, but also for Aisha.

After Yasmine posted the picture of Aisha with a photoshopped pig nose, almost everyone was making fun of her. They would make pig noises, wherever she walked.

As Aisha approached her locker,Max stood next to her, because Max locker was next to Aishas.

„Oh my god what happened to your face,"Aisha asked her friend concerned.

„It's nothing,"Max lied. Aisha didn't believe her, but didn't say anything else.

„Anyway. How are you ? I mean after Halloween. I am so sorry, that I wasn't there to help you,"Max said softly to her friend.

Before Aisha could answer Max, Sam walked over to them.

„Hey, how are you feeling,"Sam asked Aisha, not noticing Max.

„I've gone viral. How do you think I am,"Aisha said angrily.

„I mean they have short memory capacity. They'll forget,"Sam said, as that would change anything.

„But I'm not gonna forget,"Aisha said. She closed her and looked shortly at Max, then walked away.

„Great apology, really,"Max snapped at Sam and walked past her.

Sam looked after Max, wondering where she got those horrible bruises. 

*at Robbys and Max Home*

Cruz and Trey were in Robbys and Max apartment, listening to trash metal music and watching some weird videos.

„Sorry to interrupt your circle,"Johnnys suddenly appearance make them stand up.

„What the hell ? Can't you knock,"exclaimed Robby.

„I knocked for five minutes straight, but you couldn't hear it over your trash music over that thing,"Johnny said.

„That's a Boom Box,"Trey said.

„That's a thing in your face,"Johnny sasses back, nodding at his beard.

„Where's your sister,"Johnny asked his son.

„In school,"Robby answered. „What the hell do you want,"Robby than asked.

„I got a call from your school, because you weren't there, because we were on a so called canoe trip in Colorado,"Johnny said.

„Well I didn't know what a real father son trip would look like, so I had to use my imagination,"Robby smirked and sat down.

„Hey, this isn't about us, this is about that you should be in school, like your sister, not wasting your life while hanging around with these jackasses,"Johnny said.

„Hey screw you man,"Cruz said to Johnny.

„Screw you man,"Johnny fired back.

„Is your mom around,"Johnny asked Robby, but he didn't answer. „Of course not, it's afternoon, there must be Happy Hour somewhere,"Johnny said and Robby stood up angrily.

„Don't talk about our mom like that,"Robby hissed.

„Look I get it, school can be shit, but you got your hole future ahead of you,"Johnny said.

„Oohh. So I can open my own karate school,"Robby mocked, making his two friends snicker.

„Go to school. Don't go to school. See I don't care,"Johnny said back.

„See that's the thing. You don't care. Did you ever cared, when Max tried to call you or when she sent you letters or drawings to you on your birthday. No. You didn't call her back or me or called us on our birthdays," Robby hissed at Johnny.

„Listen the school called me this morning,"Johnny wanted to say, but was interrupted.

„It's been 16 years. I don't go to school anymore. I'm done with it. Moms okay, so we're good. You can go,"Robby said, looking angry at Johnny.

And with that Johnny left the apartment and Robby shut door closed loudly.

*west valley high- study hall*

The friends Miguel, Eli, Dimitri and Max were sitting together at a table in study hall.

„So that's it no more karate,"Dimitri asked Miguel.

„I guess so,"Miguel answered sadly.
He really enjoyed doing karate.

„It's probably for the best. It was starting to boost your confidence,"Dimitri said.

„Isn't that a good thing,"May and Miguel asked confused.

„No. I mean what has confidence ever gotten anybody except for a black eye and their backpack thrown into the trash. I mean look at you two,"Dimitri said, pointing at Miguel and Max bruises.

„Well I thought it was kind of cool how you two stood up to Kyler,"Eli said, smiling shyly.

„Are you insane ?! Lemme ask you what is the best superpower someone can have,"Dimitri asked his friends.

„Super strength."

„Wanda Maximoffs Powers,"Max and Miguel said.

„Wrong. Invisibility. Tough Scarlet Witch is a second. A distant third would be super speed to run away fast,"Dimitri said.

„Run away from who,"Kyler suddenly asked from behind of Eli, making them stand up quickly.

„Whom. It's the object of a
preposition. Remember English,"Brucks said.

„We were just leaving,"Miguel said and they grabbed their things together.

„Not so fast,"Kyler said and grabbed Eli's face roughly.

„What kind of girl would ever kiss this shit,"Kyler made fun of Eli.

„More girls, that would voluntarily kiss you,"Max hissed at Kyler, making him turn to her and let go of Eli.

Miguel stepped protectively in front of Max. „Leave them alone Kyler,"Miguel said.

„You want another beat down Rhea,"Kyler asked him and pushed him by his face out of the room, Eli following him behind.

„Or you Blondie locks,"Kyler mocked.

„You don't need that shit,"Kyler said and grabbed Dimitris backpack.

„No, no. Don't I just threw,"but his backpack already landed in the bin.

„A yoghurt in there,"Dimitri sighed.

„No it's a double dip,"Kyler laughed and left with Brucks.

„Come I help you clean it up,"Max said softly to Dimitri as they walked out of the study hall, not noticing that Sam heard all of what happened.

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