2: A leprechaun and a trip to Wilko

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Louis had slept really well in his new bed; it was just so fluffy. He was now unpacking his things into the house, it was weird it felt empty, even with the extra boxes he had unloaded from his car- his clothes still barely filled the wardrobe, and he didn't have nearly enough pictures to cover the walls and not nearly enough blankets in the living room but that could mostly be fixed with a trip to Wilko, so that's where he went.

Picking up his keys from the kitchen counter where he left them, another thing to get was a bowl or hook to put his keys on he mentally added it to his list before heading out the door, his ride to Wilko was short all the lights had turned green just as he pulled up to them, so he was in a very good mood.

Louis grabbed a trolley and began generally just browsing, by luck he found a nice bowl that he could put on the kitchen counter for his keys, soon after that, he ended up in the carpets section getting quickly distracted by the dark blue fluffy rug that would go with his bedroom walls well, a rug couldn't hurt, right?

The rug went into the trolley no questions asked. He then moved onto the fluffy throws section and got a couple of cream throws to go with the navy sofas in the living room.

He also bought a bouquet of red, white, yellow, and pink carnations for the dining room table as it looked pretty boring with just a vase on it, while he was by the plants, he picked up a cactus, a cheese plant, and a pickle plant. he didn't know why he chose those plants particularly, he supposed it was because they just had fun names?

Somehow, he ended up in the party section, and somehow led lights, party poppers, and some fabric bunting found its way into the trolley. He really couldn't have told you how because it definitely had nothing to do with him.

He was checking out after an hour of shopping when the older woman behind the register asked him for his ID. "What would I need ID for?" she lifted the party poppers "you need to be over 16 to purchase these" Louis' jaw dropped.

"I'm 21 but it's good to know I still look young" he chuckled pulling out his ID. The lady's jaw dropped "So sorry my mistake" he laughed waving away her apologies "it's quite alright, I'll take it as a compliment"

He helped her load everything into a few canvas bags "Have a nice rest of your day sir" "you too" Louis said heading back to his car still laughing.

On his way home he stopped at Tesco to get some milk, tea, bread, and cereal, just the essentials. He then sighed realizing he would have to do an actual shop soon as he had absolutely nothing.

He didn't know why he just didn't like shopping, maybe it was the one time that he couldn't reach the top shelves and had to ask for help that put him off. That was also the day Louis had opted for home delivery but he hadn't got it set up here yet, maybe he could just live off bread and tea for a few days.

When he got home he put the milk in the fridge and put the kettle on to boil while he put away the other food. He reached into a cupboard for a mug, he only had two one with the slogan 'best big brother ever! – we love you Lou!" which his little sisters had given him a few years back, and an 'I only like carrots, music and maybe a few people' which one of his friends had given him on his birthday the year before.

He pulled out the first mug setting it down on the counter, he grew impatient for the water to boil and got his plants out, carefully placing them along the window ledge.

Jumping about a foot in the air when his doorbell rang, "Just a second!" he poured the hot water into his tea before rushing over to the door hurriedly undoing the locks.

Louis confusedly looked up at a boy who seemed about his age, "Hi?" the boy had a wide grin and growing out bleached blonde hair "Hi! Sorry, this is a bit weird, I noticed you moving in yesterday.

I live just across the road" he said gesturing to the house "Figured you might not know many people in the area so thought I'd introduce myself"

Louis grinned "Thanks that's nice of you" Louis stuck out a hand "I'm Louis" the other boy grasped his hand tightly "Niall, a pleasure to meet you. So whereabouts you moving from?" "Moved down from Donny"

Niall nodded "could tell, the accent gives you away" Louis rolled his eyes "well you ain't from London either are you" Niall laughed "I guess you caught me there"

"You want to come in? I just made some tea" Niall shook his head "I'd love to, but I can't today, unfortunately, I actually have adulty things to do... I'm going out with some of the lads tonight though, cause its Friday, you could join us?" Louis grinned nodding "that would be brilliant, you sure they won't mind"

Niall shrugged "Nah they're quite chill, I'll come round at seven and we can walk down together, sound ok?"

Louis smiled "yeah sounds great! Thanks again"

"Not a problem always good to have more lads in the area that aren't over 80" Louis chuckled "anyways don't let me keep you from your tea, nice meeting you Louis" Louis nodded "Likewise" Niall waved before jogging across the street.

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