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Meaning - Soulmate

Everyone is born with 2 soul-marks somewhere on their body. One of the soul-marks represents yourself and the other represents your soulmate. Whoever has matching soul-marks are soulmates. The only catch is that you can't see anyone else's soul-mark until you turn 16. So up until anyone turns 16, they can only see their two soul-marks which makes it impossible to find your soulmate until then. But as soon as you turn 16 you can see everyone's soul-marks and find your soulmate and live happily ever after. No one has ever had more than 1 soulmate, and no one ever will... or so people thought.

In which, Bruce, Finney, Robin and Vance each have five different soul-marks, one on their shoulder, back, wrist, bicep and ankle. Each boy has a baseball printed on their shoulder, pinball machine on their back, Rocketship on their ankle, bandanna on their wrist and a book on their bicep. The boys all turn 16 within the same month and realize that their soulmates. They put together who each soul-mark represents, the bandanna being Robin, baseball for Bruce, Rocketship for Finney, and Vance as a pinball machine. So, who does the book soul-mark belong to and how does shy, innocent Delilah somehow catch the attention of these 4 boys?

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