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Third Person's POV:

Vance woke up slowly and felt someone snuggled into his chest. He looked down, expecting Delilah but was pleasantly surprised to see Bruce. His peacefulness faded as he looked around and realized Delilah was nowhere to be seen. The blonde shook Bruce awake and informed him of the missing girl. The two got up and looked into the bathroom and around the open space, but still no sign of her. As they went into panic mode they realized the door was creaked open. The boys looked at eachother, fear in their eyes worried about their beloved Delilah.

Delilah's POV:

I woke up snuggled in between Vance and Bruce. I felt so safe in their arms and I'm really happy they like me. I was about to fall back asleep when I noticed the door was cracked open. I looked back at Vance the Bruce, and decided to go alone and let them sleep. I slowly and carefully crawl out from between them and stand. My footsteps were soft as I tiptoed to the door. I slowly opened it, looking back at the sleeping boys who were now cuddling each other, and walked out.

In front of me was a staircase leading to an open wooden door. At the top of the stairs I could see what appeared to be the front door and a living room next to a kitchen. Once I reached the top of the stairs I peeked my head out and looked around. I almost screamed at the sight in front of me. The grabber sat in the middle of the kitchen, the frowning mask on, shirtless, and a belt in his hand. I covered my mouth and ducked back behind the doorway. I didn't hear anything so I started to slowly walk down the stairs, my heart still rapidly beating. As I took a step down the stairs, my hair was yanked back and I screamed. I was face to face with the grabber, "You've been a naughty girl" and then everything went black.

Third Person's POV:

The two boys were scared as they looked at the cracked door, mostly for Delilah. They slowly started to approach it when they heard a shriek from the other side of the door. Delilah's scream. Vance ran through the door, Bruce following. They looked up at the top of the stairs to see the grabber dragging a passed out Delilah by her feet. The grabber looked up and dropped Delilah. He charged at Bruce and Vance and sprayed the nasty stuff in their mouth. Soon the teens were passed out back in the basement, Delilah still missing.

It has now been 7 days since Delilah was taken, 6 days for Vance, and 4 days for Bruce. As Bruce and Vance awoke, someone in the basement with them was also slowly coming to. Vance and Bruce stood, looking around the corner for Delilah, who was nowhere to be found. They tried the door but it was locked. "FUCK. Where the fuck is she!? If that mother fucker even touches her I'm gonna beat his ass so fucking bad I'm gonna fucking kill this bastard!!" Vance screamed as he kicked the locked door. Before Bruce could even try to calm the blonde down, someone else spoke up.

"Vance, Bruce?" Bruce and Vancesd heads turned in the direction of the voice. "Robin? No no no not you too" Bruce said as he approached Robin, taking his face in his hands. "Thank god you guys are alive we were so worried" Robin hugged Bruce tightly Vance soon joined the group hug. "Where's who, Vance?" The long haired brunette asked. "Delilah, she was in here with us but he took her upstairs yesterday. We tried to save her but he knocked us out and locked us back down here" Bruce said sadly looking down. "She's our soulmate," Vance blurted out. Bruce and Vance then proceeded to explain what happened down here and how Delilah had the soulmarks, and so on. By the time they finished explaining, all three were growing more worried about Delilah.

The 3 teenage boys stayed cuddled up against each other on the mattress for most of the day. The grabber didn't come down and visit them. As the sun set through the tiny window, the boys got comfy laying down, ready for bed. It took them a while to finally fall asleep, thoughts occupied with Delilah and thoughts of escaping, but eventually they did.

The next morning, Vance, Robin and Bruce were awoken by the sound of the door unlocking and creaking open. The 3 boys quickly stood up as their eyes met the grabbers. Before Vance could yell at him, the masked kidnapper walked past them and set someone down on the mattress. Robin immediately recognized them as Finney and rushed over to him. Vance and Bruce followed suit. As Bruce and Robin made sure Finney was ok Vance stood and glared at the man. "Where is she, asshole. Where the fuck is Delilah? What the fuck did you do with her, if you hurt her i swear to god I'm going to fucking kill you!" Vance screamed at the grabber who in response turned around and walked out. He returned in a second holding two trays of eggs and soda. He set them down, sickly smiled at Vance, shrugged and walked out.

Finney didn't wake up for a couple of hours so the 3 boys just talked and cuddled together. Finney was in between Vance and Robin, Bruce cuddling into Vances back. Eventually Finney awoke and the other boys explained to him what happened, ect. They also explained Delilah and their soulmates. "So we finally found our last soulmate but the grabber took her away and we don't know if she's dead or alive?" Finney clarified as their explanations finished. "Sounds about right," Bruce said sadly.

As the sun was starting to set, the door finally opened. The 4 boys stopped talking and sat up. There stood the grabber with Delilah in his arms. She had cuts and bruises all over her body and face. He set her down on the floor in front of the door, laughed, then walked out and locked the door. Her soulmates ran up to her and scanned her for any major injuries. As they didn't see any huge ones, Vance lifted her passed out form and slowly set her down on the mattress. The other boys followed them and laid down as well. Vance laid her head on his chest as Bruce wrapped his arms around her waist. Robin was cuddling Bruce's side and Finney Vances. That's how they fell asleep.

Robin and Finney were the first to awaken. They stood from the mattress and sat in the bathroom so they could talk without waking the others. "Im nervous Robin" Finney was the first to speak up. "It's going to be okay mi amor, she looks perfect for us" before Finn could respond they hear talking from the mattress. The 2 boys stood and walked towards the noise to see the other 3 now awake.

Bruce and Vance were asking Delilah what happened as they sat down. "I remember waking up and then seeing the door open. I walked out and up the stairs but as I looked out the grabber was sitting outside the door shirtless and holding a belt. Then as I went to run back downstairs he knocked me out. I woke up in another basement but this one had a dirt floor. He kicked and punched me for a bit before he left me for the night and next day. Then he came back, sprayed the nasty stuff in my mouth and now I'm here." She started crying towards the end of her story. Once Bruce and Vance finished comforting her they looked at Robin and Finney expectantly.

"So princess, you know how we told you Robin and Finney are also our, your, soulmates?" Delilah nodded so Bruce continued, "Well they really want to say hi and get to know you" Delilah looked up and saw said boys looking at her hopefully. She made a small wave and gave them a tiny smile. "Hi pretty girl, how ya feelin?" Robin spoke. "M'okay now that I have my soulmates" She smiled at the thought that they were all together. Robin and Finney ended up lying on either side of Delilah, the 5 of them cuddling.

And that's how the rest of the day went as they all got to know Delilah better and vice versa.

Hey guys, so they're all together now. YAYY!! I know it hasn't been very fluffy but I was trying to get their relationship started. So expect some fluff and drama in the next chapter. Love you guys so thank you all for reading <3. Have a great day

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