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Third Person's POV:

The grabber opened the door to his basement carrying a passed-out Vance. He set the boy down on the mattress next to a still sleeping Delilah. He stood up, started at the 2 sleeping kids and walked out the door. A loud click was heard and then silence. 

About an hour later, Vance woke up and slowly sat up. He opened his eyes and couldn't see much but they adjusted within a few minutes. The curly headed blonde surveyed his surroundings as he stood from the crusty mattress. Vance walked around for bit and as he was leaving the bathroom, he finally noticed the small figure curled up on the mattress. 

Vance's POV:

As I turned the corner to leave the shitty ass bathroom in this shithole, I notice a small figure curled up on the nasty ass mattress. I slowly approach the mystery person only to recognize her as Delilah the girl from the Grab n' Go. She was curled up in a ball with tear stains on her beautiful face. As she slightly shifter I saw from the corner of my eye that her sleeve rode up a bit and revealed a soul-mark on her wrist. I started at it in awe then looked to her face. "She's our 5th soulmate" I whispered to myself. I kept looking back and forth from my wrist to hers, both having matching rocket ship tattoos printed on them. I finally found her, but what about Bruce, Finney and Robin? "I promise I'll make sure you escape so you can meet them. I promise" I whispered to her as I laid down next to Delilah and pulled her into my chest. She didn't wake up, only snuggled into my chest burying her head into my neck. I fell asleep soon after happy to finally be holding my soulmate so close.

Delilah's POV:

I woke up snuggled up to something really warm and comfy. I snuggled closer to it before I realized that I was still kidnapped and in the Grabbers basement. I quickly scooted away from the warm comfy mystery thing and backed up against the wall breathing heavily. The mystery thing soon revealed itself to be a person when they slowly moved to a sitting position, rubbing their eyes.

The person looked at me, but I couldn't tell who they were because the room was pitch black beside the light from the moon shining through the small window. "Hey, hey its ok its ok I promise I'm not going to hurt you. I'm Vance, remember me, from the Grab n' Go a couple days ago?" the person I know knew as Vance spoke softly. "Vance" started to slowly stand up and began approaching me at a saft pace. As he got closer, I tried to back away more, but I was already against the wall. My breathing started to pick up again when "Vance" spoke softly, as if he was any louder, I'd shatter, "Shhh its ok its ok I'm not going to hurt you I promise"

I stared at the black outline of Vance as my breathing started to calm down again. He didn't move and we just sat there in silence for a few more seconds before I whispered "promise?" He was quick to respond with "Of course I promise, I would never hurt you. Is it ok if I come a bit closer sweetheart?". I pondered it for a moment and decided that he seemed to be telling the truth. 

I slowly nodded my head only to realize he can't see so I squeaked out a quick but quiet yes. Vance started to slowly walk towards me until he sat down next to me. I was still super tired and started to drift off. The last thing I remember was my head slowly falling on Vance's shoulder before I fell asleep.

Third Person's POV: 

Vance felt a soft thud on his shoulder and looked down to see Delilah asleep on his shoulder. He pulled her into his lap, and she snuggled up into his chest for the second time tonight. He held her close as he too drifted to sleep. 

The next morning the two soulmates were awoken by the sound of the door unlocking and opening. Delilah had a slight moment of panic when she awoke on Vance's lap, but it was soon lived as she realized it who it was. Both teens looked towards the door and watched as the Grabber came in holding a tray with a plate of eggs and one soda bottle. Vance held Delilah closer, and she felt comforted by it. She was still terrified and looped her arms around Vance's neck and hid her face in his neck. 

"Goodmorning children. I brought you some eggs and soda" The creepy man with even creepier mask on said. "Let us go you piece of shit!" Vance screamed at him. He prepared himself to scream at the masked man again, but the way Delilah jumped and clung to him tighter when he screamed the first time, he refrained himself. "Not yet. It's all messed up ya know? Well, I need to go upstairs I have some business to attend to. Eat it or don't. I don't care" the Grabber said as he set the tray down. As he walked out the two teens heard the door lock after it closed. 

Vance let out a sigh and held Delilah closer if it was even possible. He leaned his head against the wall but paused when he hears quiet sniffles. The curly headed boy gently lifted the small girls head, his hand under her chin. "Hey baby don't cry its ok I got you ok I've got you and I'm not going to let him hurt i promise" Vance softly said as he looked at her tear-stained face. He gently wiped the tears from her face and watched her eyes drift down towards his wrist. 

Delilah's eyes widened and she stared at his wrist in shock. She lifter her own arm and pulled back the hoodie sleeve revealing her rocket ship tattoo. She reached up, grabbed his wrist and brought it down next to hers. She stared, eyes still wide like saucers, down at her wrist next to Vance's, the matching rocket ship tattoos next to each other. Her eyes traveled up his arm that was exposed from his leather jacket, finally landing on the familiar book tattoo on his bicep that she also had. The small girl lifted her arm and began to trace the book tattoo. Her fingers travelled higher and ghosted over the baseball tattoo on his shoulder that she, again, had in the place. 

Delilah shook out of her daydream and looked up at Vance to see him softly smiling down at her. As if reading the brown-haired girl's thoughts, Vance slightly lifted his pants to reveal the bandanna tattoo. After Delilah admired that he slightly turned and pulled his shirt down a bit to show her his pinball tattoo. She made eye contact with Vance again as put his shirt down and readjusted his pant leg. She slowly remover her hoodie and revealed the same exact tattoos that Vance had on his body. 

Delilah looked down at the ground as Vance stared at all her soul-marks. She was scared, she had never shown anyone her soul-marks besides her parents of course but even they hated her for them. Vance sensing her fear gently lifted her chin and smiled at her. The blonde broke the silence, looking into her eyes, "I finally found you, my final soulmate. You're perfect just as I imagined but so much better" The girls face changed into one of shock "You don't hate me?

"Of course, not I could never hate you! I just got you and I love you so much!" The girl stayed still for a moment before she quickly jumped and hugged Vance. He wasn't prepared so he fell backwards, landing on the mattress behind him. His arms looped around the much smaller girls frame holding her close. 

They sat there for a while holding each other close while Vance explained whose soul-mark belonged to whom and telling her all about her wonderful other soulmates. As her eyes drifted shut, he again promised her that she would be able to meet her other 3 soulmates just before he joined her in slumber as well.

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