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Third Person's POV:

Delilah awoke with a pounding headache and when she tried to open her eyes, they hurt really badly, and she couldn't see much besides blurry outlines. She tried to stand up but collapsed again. She was too weak and tired, so she ended up passing out again.

Delilah's POV:

I woke up again but this time my headache was barely noticeable, and I could actually see. I look around and notice that I'm in a cement basement somewhere. I continue to investigate and notice a large crack along each wall of the cement box, one with a black phone in the center. I walk around more and find a hallway that leads to a single toilet with rolled up rugs next to it. Ew. I walk back to the main room and see a disgusting nasty looking mattress on the floor. That must have been where I was lying, I thought. On another wall I notice a little window with bars on it. I run to it and try to reach but I'm far too short. Dammit! The next thing I do is walk to the black phone on the wall. I try to dial the police, but I realize the cord is cut. I go to put the phone back when I hear the door open behind me.

I quickly spin around to see a man wearing a really creepy mask with long greasy hair standing there staring at me. "Good morning sleepyhead. You were an easy one, I like you. The other boys, oh they fought, but you. Oh, you perfect thing you just let me take you." the creepy man broke the silence. I'm terrified so I just kept my mouth shut. "Put the phone down its never worked and never will" I set the phone down still staring at him with wide eyes, "Well I have to go now I just wanted to see if you were up" the man, who I realized is the Grabber, said as he walked out. I hear the loud click of the door locking behind him. I collapse on the musty mattress and pull my legs to my chest, the reality of the fact that I'm kidnapped by the Grabber and probably going to die, sets in. I start to think about how I'm never going to meet my soulmates, learn what love feels like, go outside in shorts and a t-shirt. As I'm thinking of everything that I'm never going to be able to do I drift off to sleep, still curled up on the nasty mattress.

Vance's POV:

After my boyfriends and I walked away from Delilah's missing persons poster we decided to just split up and go home for the night. We all walked together in comfortable silence. We all live in the same neighborhood and Finney's house was first, then Bruce's, and finally Robin's. I kissed Robin goodbye and walked away from his porch. My house was the last on our street, so I usually walked the rest of the way alone, but I didn't mind that much. I was about a block away from my house when a black van rounded the corner slowly and stopped right ahead of me. I was slightly freaked out but kept walking, picking up my pace a bit. As I passed the van an older man came out of the driver's door and "tripped" right into me.

"What the hell old guy! Watch was your fucking going you fucking cunt!" I screamed at the guy. "Oh, my bad I'm so sorry. Would you like to see a magic trick" the old man smiled at me creepily. "No fucking way, stay the fuck away from me freak!" I yelled at him and started to walk away. "Well, that's too bad" I heard him mutter from behind me when I felt his arms wrap around my neck. Black balloons surrounded us as I tried my hardest to fight him off, but he sprayed some nasty shit in my mouth. "LET ME GO YOUMOTHERFUCKER" I shouted while trying to fight him. Soon though I started to feel super weak, and he was able to throw me in the back of his van as I passed out.

Third Person's POV:

2 days later, Finney, Robin, and Bruce were devastated. They missed Vance so much. The 4 of them haven't left Robin's house since they found out. They were walking to school just assuming Vance was skipping when they saw his missing poster next to Delilah's. Finney broke down crying first whereas Robin and Bruce walked him to Robin's house where they all cuddled and cried. Finally, after 2 days Bruce's parents wanted him home so the 3 said their goodbyes. Bruce walked Finn to his house, they said their own goodbyes and Bruce started walking home.

Because it was dark out and Bruce was still super upset about his missing soulmate and now the fact that he had to leave the other two soulmates he still had, he didn't notice the black van turning the corner. He was bumped out of his depressing thoughts when an arm wrapped around his neck and black balloons were consuming him. He struggled against the mystery kidnapper but in the end the same spray used on Delilah and Vance was used on Bruce and he was out cold in the back of the van speeding away.

When Finn and Robin woke up the next morning and headed to school because their parents forced them too, they headed right back to Robin's house. A new poster was put up next to Vance's and Delilah's, Bruce Yamada's. The 2 boys just held each other and cried over the loss of their beloved soulmates. Robin thought of himself as a tough kid, so he rarely ever cried. So, he was scared of the fact that his lovers were missing and that he was crying his eyes out.

3 days later Finney and Robin haven't left Robin's house. They barely ate, slept, and still had yet to go to school. Finn had to go home that afternoon because he was worried about leaving Gwen alone with their father for another night. Robin's uncle didn't want him going out because of the Grabber so they had sadly split up. The next day Finn called Robin to see if he wanted to come over because his dad was gone for the night and Gwen was at Suzie's. Robin's uncle answered with hello. "Hi Mr. Arellano, I was hoping I could speak to Robin" Finney replied. "He's not with you? This morning he asked to go to your house to surprise you and he left around noon".

Finney hung up the phone and let out a sob. He already knew where Robin was. The Grabber finally got his last soulmate. Finney felt all alone because Gwen wasn't home. He cried all day until he couldn't take it. He told himself he was going to find the loves of his life no matter what. He grabbed his bike and started pedaling. To where? He didn't know, just that he was determined to find his lovers. As he was biking, he stopped at the Grab n' Go to get a soda and take a break. As he was paying, he looked sadly over at the pinball machine. Finney walked out of the store and decided to walk his bike through the shortcut he sometimes takes to get home. As he turned the corner a man fell and dropped all of his groceries in front of Finn. "Oh, my look at me I'm a mess" the man looked up at Finney, "Could you pass me my hat please?" "Um yeah. Do you need any help" Finney asked the man. "No but would you like to see a magic trick" and before Finney could even respond he was grabbed; the liquid was sprayed in his mouth, and he was thrown into the black van just like his lovers. As the van sped off, just before Finney lost consciousness, he hoped he was going to be reunited with his soulmates and soon, his wish was going to come true.

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