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I'm sorry for the cliffhanger in the last chapter!! In this one Delilahs gonna connect with Bruce. Next chapter Finney and Robin will come and they'll all be in the basement together. Sorry it's taking so long!! Thank you all so much for reading this and I LOVE getting comments btw... <3

Third Person's POV:
"Vance". Said boy's head whips around and his eyes meet Bruce's. Bruce got up quickly, Vance followed suit. They met with a deep hug that lasted a couple minutes. Pulling away Vances lips met Bruces in a passionate kiss. As they separated they learned their foreheads together, " I missed you so much! We all did, well I mean not the others yet because they don't know where you are but-" his rambling was cut off by Vance capturing him in another kiss. "I missed you too, asshole. But now your dumbass is here so I'm for sure going to kill this fucking bitch!"

Bruce started looking around once Vance stopped screaming. He realized they were locked in a grungy basement with a black phone on the wall. Looking back at Vance, Bruce noticed the small figure hiding behind the blonde, clinging to the back of his jean vest. The newest victim of the grabber looks from the figure to Vance a couple times. Vance takes the hint and slightly moves to expose the person to Bruce. He then realizes it's Delilah, the pretty cute girl from the Grab N' Go.

Bruce's POV:

As we made eye contact she quickly looked to her feet, shuffling closer to Vance once again. I watched as the curly headed boy turned to Delilah started to speak softly, "Hey baby you look tired wanna nap for a little bit sweet girl"? I stared at the 2 in shock seeing as Vance is never soft, only sometimes with us, his soulmates. Delilah slowly nodded and Vance guided her to the musty mattress.  She laid down and he rubbed her back for about 2 minutes before she was fast asleep.

Vance slowly slid off the mattress and stood, making his way to me. He gently grabbed my face, bringing our foreheads together again. "Bruce, that's her. We finally found her, our 5th soulmate. She's perfect" Vance happily smiled. As he spoke it took me a second to process his words before my eyes widened and a hopeful smile spread across my face.

Third Person's POV:

The two boys looked over at the sleeping beauty with love and hope in their eyes. Vance grabbed Bruce's hand, leading them to sit on either side of Delilah. The blonde slowly pulled her shirt down to reveal the baseball tattoo copied on both boys shoulders as well. "It's her. It's really her, our final soulmate. She's so cute, she's perfect" Bruce whispered as Vance pulled her shirt back up. Vance started to lie down behind the girl, pulling her close, and wrapping his arms around her waist. Bruce followed suit, looking back at Vance slightly nervous. Delilah moved a bit in her sleep, her head landing on Bruce's chest, cuddling up against him. As soon as they touched Bruce got a shiver and felt a spark. That's how the 3 fell asleep, Delilah in the middle, Vance behind her, arms wrapped around her torso, and her head laying on Bruce's chest.

Delilah's POV:

I woke up lying against a big warm lump and unconsciously cuddled closer to it. When the lump moved I finally realized it was a person and woke up. I backed away from the lump/person quickly and realized it was Bruce. He was just waking up and looked at me with a blank face. I felt Vance sit up from behind me and quickly clung to him, hiding my face in his neck. "What's wrong baby" he whispered in my ear. "What if Bruce doesn't like me?" I whispered back, face still in his neck. "He's right Delilah. I think you're perfect, of course I like you" Bruce tried to reassure the girl "can you look at me pretty girl, please"? I slowly looked at him and saw love in his eyes, "I'm so happy you're my soulmate and I know Finney and Robin will agree" "I agree too dipshit" Vance added. I blushed at their words, slowly moving to sit in between them, my soulmates. It feels weird to say that seeing as I thought they would hate me and be just like parents told me they would.

Third Person's POV:

The 3 soulmates spent the day getting to know each other, Bruce and Delilah mostly. A couple hours passed since they awoke and the teens were cuddling on the crusty musty and dusty mattress.

"Well you were all really pretty and I'm not used to attention" Delilah was trying to explain her shy behavior at the Grab N' Go a few days prior. "I'm glad you think we're pretty, ya know you're very pretty yourself" Bruce laughed as she blushed at his comment. Vance looked down at her red face and pressed a kiss to her forehead, deepening her blush if even possible. Vance was sitting up against the wall with Delilah sitting in his lap and Bruce lying between her legs with his head on her stomach.

"So... how long have you guys been dating?" Delilah asked after a couple minutes of comfortable silence. "We've known eachother since like kindergarten but the 4 of us weren't friends till 4th grade." Vance started and Bruce finished for him, "We started dating like 4 months ago on Vances 16th birthday". Delilah hummed to show she was listening.

Delilah sat in thought for a couple seconds before speaking, "what did your guys' parents think about you all having more than 1 soulmate? '' Vance answered first, "Well they obviously knew since we were born and they didn't care. At least my mom didnt, she was so fuckin happy for us when we started dating". "Yeah my parents were super happy too. Robin's uncle was kinda confused but still supported him either way. And Finney's dad was pissed. That's why Finn always has his soul-marks covered in public" Bruce added on "What about your parents?" Delilah looked down in shame, regretting asking them now. "...Um... yeah.. they were supportive too.. yeah.." she finished trying to convince herself of that as well. A hand grasped her chin, slowly lifted her head so that her eyes met with Vances stern ones. "I dont fucking like liars so dont ever try to fucking lie again. Now, tell me the truth princess" his stern voice turning soft as he finished speaking.

Before she could answer the sound of the door unlocking echoed throughout the cement box. As the door started to open, Bruce sat up and Vance lifted Delilah from his lap. With the 2 boys sitting up in front of Delilah sitting behind them, the grabber walked in. The smaller girl could see his creepy mask, the top half missing and the bottom half sporting the fake creepy smile in the gap between her soulmate's shoulders. She huddled closer to their backs, grabbing onto the sleeve of Bruce's shirt and Vances bicep for comfort.

The grabber stood in front of the teens, his eyes squinted showing that he was smiling underneath the mask. What the fuck do you want bitch" Vance questioned aggressively. "I just wanted to look at you all. So pretty, scared, weak, defenseless..." he giggled before walking back out, locking the door again. Bruce and Vance immediately took Delilah back into their arms. Just now realizing how tired they were, the 3 laid down. Delilah's head was on Vances chest as Bruce cuddled her from behind, all sleeping soundly.

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