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As soon as Delilah Higgins was brought into the world her parents hated her. They were disgusted, repulsed, embarrassed even. When Delilah was born her parents noticed something quite strange about the young girl, she had multiple soul-marks, 5 to be exact. Her father handed her mother a blanket who was quick to cover her baby girl up to assure that no one else could see the monstrosity that she had just birthed. As soon as they left the hospital, Delilah's mother, Marriam Higgins, and father, Christopher Higgins, locked her in her room. They barely fed her and cared for the poor girl throughout her childhood, it's a miracle she survived to the age of 15. Once she was able to, she learned how to care for herself and get to school and even read at the ripe age of 5. 

Her parents paid her no mind as long as she NEVER left the house, EVER. When she was 5, she started going to school, without her parent's knowledge of course, but that didn't last long. They found out and were livid, what if someone saw their freak daughter with multiple soulmates!? It would ruin the Higgins family and her parents could not have that happening. That's when the abuse started, every little thing her parents blamed poor Delilah for. They took their anger out on her but made sure no one else knew of this treatment to their daughter. 

Finally, when Delilah turned 12 people started to get suspicious that the young Higgins girl was never out of the house, didn't have any friends and never went to school. So, Marriam and Christopher packed up all their belongings and Delilah and moved to Denver Colorado. There, her parents enrolled her in school and let her out of the house. Not much more than before though, and the abuse didn't let up that much either. Even though no one under the age of 16 could see Delilah's soul-marks, adults and older teens could. So, any time she even left her room every single soul-mark had to be covered. 

Now, at the age of 15, Delilah is still in Denver, her parents still abuse her, as well as still being disgusted by her soul-marks. She is still going to school and is about to enter her sophomore year in high school. The young Higgins girl loves to read and is a very anti-social person. She hates any drama and rarely ever talks. No one really knows she exists, and she likes it that way. She doesn't believe that anyone will love her, not even her soulmates so she just keeps to herself. Delilah is a very smart girl and very kind. She always tries to see the good in things no matter what. Ever since she moved to Denver it's always been the same. During the summer, wake up, get food for herself, try to avoid her parents (usually ending up getting a beating for absolutely no reason) read, go outside for a little bit, read more, and more, and more then go to sleep. During the school year, she always wakes up, walks to school, keeps her head down, avoids everyone, never talks to anyone, eat lunch, more classes, admire her 4 crushes secretly (not creepy at all), go home, read and eat and read some more, then sleep. Hasn't changed the three years she's lived in Denver, but this year might just be a little bit different ... ok .... maybe a lot different.

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