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Weeks had passed since their shopping trip and before Chrys knew it she was standing on Platform 9 3/4 with the Malfoys, Remus, Harry, and Mattheo. Since Severus needed to be at Hogwarts before the students arrived, he'd left earlier that morning after dropping Chrys and Harry off with Lucius and Narcissa.

Remus was crouched down to her level, tucking loose strands that wouldn't stay in her bun behind her ears and straightening her tie. She'd decided to wear her uniform since it was pointless to wear casual clothes when she'd be changing anyways.

"Remember, we'll love you no matter what house you're sorted in. Do your best in your studies and stay out of trouble." Remus rambled slightly, "But if you manage to get in trouble, and being a Potter that's a high probability, try not to get too hurt if you can help it. Keep Mortifer and Noxus close, especially if you're not with Mattheo and Abraxus. Okay?"

"Okay, Moony." Chrys agreed easily. To any other child, this amount of fussing would've been annoying, especially since they'd had this exact conversation many times before. But to Chrys, it was just proof that Remus truly cared.

"Good..." he nodded approvingly, then sighed and pulled the girl into another hug, which she happily reciprocated with a bell-like laugh.

"Sweet Morgana, I'm gonna miss you! I want you to write to me so I know how your sorting went."

Giggling, Chrys nodded, "I promise, Moony."

Narcissa smiled in fond amusement, "Same goes for you boys. Got it?"

"Yes, Mum/Aunt Cissa." Abraxus and Mattheo chimed in unison.

Satisfied, the elder witch nodded and gently pulled Remus away from Chrys, only for Harry to replace him. He clung tightly and snuggled into his big sister as if he'd never see her again. Chrys, knowing how Harry felt, held him just as tight, burying her face in his fluffy ebony curls.

"I'll miss you too, Hades. But I promise to write." she assured, "Besides, Yule will be here in no time and I'm sure Draco will keep you busy."

Harry sniffled, "B.. but we.. we've never been split u-up f-for so long!"

Chrys pulled back and smiled in a way that was all-too-similar to her Mother, "It'll be okay. If anything happens, Cissa and Luci will contact Sev and I'll be home before you can say: 'Prongs'."

"Promise?" Harry stuck out his little finger, and Chrys curled her pinkie around it, "I promise."

They kissed each other's pinkies, sealing the promise before Harry hugged Chrys once more. "I love you, Chrysi."

"I love you too, Prongslet."


"See you soon!" Chrys called back as Abraxus and Mattheo led her onto the train.

Chrys stumbled up the steps, silently thanking Remus for putting the featherlight charm on her trunk as she clambered through the crowded cars. Luckily Mattheo had the forethought to grab her hand so she didn't get swept away and lost.

The three manoeuvred to a calmer part of the train before slowing down. "Have you and Harry really never been separated for this long before?" Abraxus asked as they found an empty compartment.

"No. Not since..." Chrys paused, suddenly finding the floor much more interesting.

"Since that day." Mattheo finished.

It had taken a week after their shopping day for Chrys to open up about remembering that Halloween night, in '81. Though the boys didn't know how much she remembered, the adults did. They were horrified by how vividly she could recount that night and had grown even more protective of Chrys after.

Chrys nodded silently, reaching her tippy toes as she tried to shove her trunk onto the top shelf. Abraxus gently took the trunk and placed it between his and Mattheo's. Chrys murmured a soft, "Thanks."

To which the blond simply shrugged, "It's no problem, Red."

They took their seats, Chrys curled up by the window, a book in her lap with Abraxus across from her, and Mattheo on Chrys' bench, by the door since he knew how easily Chrys got anxious by close contact.

The train jolted to a start just as they began settling in for the long journey. It was calm and quiet, but it didn't last long. It was interrupted by a light knock before the door slid open to reveal a pink-haired girl.

"Sorry." she asked, a lopsided grin on her face, "Can my friends and I join you?"

Abraxus and Mattheo both looked to Chrys, who shrugged. Mattheo scooted closer to Chrys protectively as Abraxus motioned to the empty seats beside him. Chrys leaned against Mattheo, she felt oddly at ease with the brunet around.

The older girl, whose hair was now a vibrant purple, turned to look somewhere outside the compartment, "Bill, Charlie! Over here!"

Two, very tall and very muscular redheads entered the compartment behind the colourful witch. Chrys tensed, curling further into the corner as she hid behind her book. Mortifer, who'd been napping peacefully on the floor, shot up upon sensing Chrys' distress. He was now on his hind legs, gently pawing at Chrys' clothed leg and whining.

"Bloody hell, what is that?" one of the redheads asked, tone soft in awe as he watched Chrys set her book aside and pick Mortifer up.

Noxus popped his head out once the puppy was settled in the witch's lap. The wizard noticed the Miffin as well and was practically vibrating in excited curiosity. Chrys didn't dare look at or speak to the male as she cuddled her familiars.

Abraxus, knowing Chrys felt uncomfortable, spoke for her, "The pup is a Hellhound, whose name is Mortifer and the little creature nested in her hair is Noxus, he's a Miffin. Or Manticore-Griffin hybrid."

The older redhead wizard blinked, "Why does a first-year have such creatures? Won't you get in trouble for bringing them to school?"

Mattheo glowered, "They're her familiars. No one can legally tell her she can't bring them."

The older boy raised his hands, "I didn't mean it that way. I just didn't want her getting into trouble before she was even sorted."

Mattheo hummed suspiciously, before deciding he was telling the truth. He relaxed a bit and absentmindedly scratched behind Mortifer's ears.

"Sooo," the, once again, pink-haired witch piped up, "I'm Nymphadora Tonks, fourth-year Hufflepuff."

"Oh, right! Charlie Weasley, fourth-year Gryffindor." the younger teen boy chimed, still in awe over the rare creatures in Chrys' possession.

"William Weasley, seventh year Gryffindor. You can call me Bill, it's nice to meet you." the eldest added politely.

"Abraxus Malfoy, pleasure." the blond offered.

The brunet's tone was more short, "Mattheo Slytherin."

"C-Chrysanthemum Potter.." murmured the younger ginger, "Please, call me Chrys."

Charlie grinned boyishly, eyes bright, "'Course, Chrys. Can I pet Mortifer?"

Chrys relaxed just a bit and nodded. The fourth-year's grin brightened as he crouched in front of her, petting the canine with the amount of glee one would expect to find in a small child. His entire behaviour almost completely disarmed Chrys. Much to the relief and amusement of the others in the compartment.

"What house do you guys think you'll be sorted into?" Nymphadora asked, watching Chrys and Charlie's interaction with amusement.

Bill was doing the same with relief, he'd noticed Chrys' demeanour was beyond that of an anxious child going to school abroad. Not even the most anxious muggle-borns reacted the way she did. This leads the seventh year to suspect something else at play.

"Slytherin, obviously," Mattheo stated, drawing Bill from his thoughts. The way he glared at Charlie wasn't missed by Bill, who smiled amusedly.

"Slytherin or Ravenclaw." Abraxus mused, smirking. He'd also noticed Mattheo's behaviour around the eldest Potter.

Chrys, whilst distractedly stroking Mortifer's fur, hummed, "Slytherin or Hufflepuff."

Nymphadora grinned, almost manically, "Plot twist!"

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