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Yule, Chrys realized, was like the Muggle's Christmas, but with extra steps. However, that didn't mean that she and Hadrian knew what to do. They usually spent the Christmas holidays locked in their cupboard so they didn't ruin the holiday cheer with their presence. If Petunia felt particularly friendly, they would receive some of Vernon or Dudley's old clothes and a slice of toasted bread with Marmalade.

In other words, the Potter siblings were completely confused. Especially when Remus and Sirius got them all bundled up and led them out into the neighbouring forest.

"Moony, what are we doing?" Chrys asked, looking up at her werewolf papa.

"We need to gather evergreens and a log for the rituals." he answered patiently, "The evergreens we'll use to make wreaths and the log we'll decorate before burning. The wreaths we keep up until the end of solstice. We burn the log to let go of the past and banish negative energy."

"Then, after the log burning, we'll have a feast! Then the wishing ritual, where you decide your new year resolutions and intentions." Sirius chipped in, "We'll light candles, say our resolutions out loud, and let the candle burn out."

Remus smiled fondly at Sirius, the animagus was just as excited as the children were. He missed spending holidays with friends and family. As if sensing his thoughts, Sirius lent against the werewolf, pressing his ice-cold nose against his neck and whining, "Remy, I'm cold!"

Remus rolled his eyes and wrapped an arm around his mate's waist. He ignored the gagging the boys made as he kissed Sirius' nose, and then lips.

Chrys smiled at the sight. She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned meeting the warm russet eyes of Mattheo. "Want to help me get some pine?" he sounded oddly shy, but Chrys didn't pay any mind to it as she smiled and nodded, taking the brunet's hand.

The adults watched the children run around picking bundles of pine, mistletoe, yew, holly, and ivy. After a while, the children returned to the adults, proudly presenting their armfuls of evergreens.

Chrys and Hadrian were the most excited by far, it was rare to see the two act like children, Chrys more so than Hadrian. The latter was slowly but surely growing more secure around everyone, letting his childish nature show. Though Chrys had a harder time, she'd spent years being the 'grown-up' and protecting her brother from the harshness of the world and the cruelty of their muggle relatives. So Chrys looking so purely happy and carefree was a sight to behold.

"Good job, Bambi." Remus praised, patting Chrys' bi-coloured curls. He ruffled Hadrian's hair, "You too, Prongslet." The siblings practically preened at the praise.

Sirius grinned broadly, petting his kids' heads affectionately, "Now, put those in the box and we'll pick out a log!"

"Okay!" they chirped, beaming despite the pink dusting their noses and cheeks. They placed their bundles in the box before turning to their parents.

"Alrighty!" Sirius clapped, gaining the children's attention, "We're looking for oak, we'll pair off. Mattie and Chrys. Abe and Lucy. Dray and Cissa. And Hades, Remy, and I. Ready? Go!"

Sirius morphed into his canine form, scooped Hadrian onto his back and bounded off with an exasperated Remus in tow. Cissa shook her head with a sigh before guiding her youngest son in another direction. Lucius does the same with Abraxus, but only after making sure Mattheo and Chrys would be fine on their own.

After an assuring nod from the brunet, Lucius and Abraxus ventured off. "I think I saw one over there," Chrys said, smiling brightly at Mattheo as she pointed further ahead.

Mattheo grinned, "Let's check it out then."

The two trapesed through the snow, shivering but content. Neither noticed that they were holding one another's hands, Chrys absentmindedly swinging them back and forth.

They wandered leisurely through the woods like this, content in one another's company. Though it wasn't often, Mattheo enjoyed the times when it was just him and her. He liked Abraxus and Draco, they were like brothers to him, and Hadrian too. And Lucius and Cissa were the parental figures in his life. Severus was alright too, as were Sirius and Remus, though he hadn't known them long.

But, he'd never felt as comfortable around them as he did with Chrys. He wasn't sure what it was or what to call it. Calling her his 'sister' didn't feel right, so he'd settle for calling her his best friend for now.

Mattheo's thoughts were interrupted by a German Shephard made of white mist bounded around them gleefully. The dog's whispy tail wagged erratically as it nudged Chrys' hand playfully before Sirius' chipper voice sounded.

"Come on back, Prongslet found the perfect log!"

Chrys giggled at her Papa's antics before turning to Mattheo with a grin, "Time to go back it seems."

"Yeah." he nodded, finding himself smiling. She hummed, continuing to swing their hands back and forth as they turned and ventured back the way they came. Both children were completely unaware of the glowing crimson eyes watching their every move.

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