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The rest of the day dragged on for Chrys. She kept mentally listing the spells she'd learned and going over combinations she could use. She'd only ever seen duels between Cissa and Luci and, though they didn't go easy on one another, they certainly weren't out for blood like Sophia seemed to be.

"Nervous Potter?" an older girl asked a taunting smirk on her lips.

Chrys looked at her blankly and sipped her tea, "I don't see any reason to be."

Mattheo snorted at the incredulous look the older girl was sporting. Chrys turned away, setting her cuppa down and picking up a fork, Nymphadora had gotten her hooked on Treacle Tart. It was her favourite treat so far, she contently stuck a forkful in her mouth, humming at the sweet, citrusy taste.

Abraxus chuckled, a sly grin on his face, "Seems like the fastest way to your heart is Treacle Tart. Mattie, you should learn how to make it."

"Sod off, Goldilocks." The brunet glowered at the blond, ignoring the heat rising to his face as Chrys tilted her head confusedly. She ate another bite of her treat, shrugging as Charlie, Bill, and Nymphadora joined them.

"What's with those two?" Nymphadora asked. Chrys drank a bit of tea, and sighed contently before answering with a shrug, "Dunno."

The Weasley brothers exchanged knowing looks but didn't say anything as Chrys finished off her tart and started with little cucumber sandwiches. At least she was eating something that wasn't desert this time.

The rest of dinner was full of lighthearted banter. When it was over, Bill, Charlie, and Nymphadora wished Chrys good luck and made her promise to tell them everything the next morning before the three Slytherins left the Great Hall. They ignored the mutters and occasional glances from the older snakes, Chrys was even humming. She didn't look even a bit anxious at the idea of going up against someone older and more experienced than her.

When they arrived at the common room, Chrys noticed that all the furniture had been moved and a platform was put in its place. Abraxus and Mattheo were ushered to where their housemates were gathered while Chrys was gently nudged toward the platform where Sophia stood.

The fifth-year had been allowed to change out of her robes, which Chrys thought was a bit unfair. She'd been in worse situations, so she didn't complain. Instead, she tugged off her tie, shrugged off her outer robe and jumper and kicked off her shoes. She then tossed them to her friends so they wouldn't get damaged.

"Are both parties ready?" the girl from earlier, Chrys assumed she was the Queen, questioned.

"Yes, ma'am/Obviously." Chrys and Sophia answered.

"Then I will go over the rules. 1. No killing or maiming. 2. No overly dark curses, we don't want to set off the wards. 3. First to be knocked out of the ring or unable to continue is the loser. 4. Any agreements made must be honoured after the duel is finalized." she listed off, "And a reminder, if the loser holds a position in the court, it transfers over to the winner. Do both parties understand the rules and terms?"

"Yes, ma'am." Chrys nodded while Sophia rolled her eyes, "Yes, now can we get on with it?"

The Queen's brow twitched in irritation, "Ready, on three. 1... 2... 3-"

Sophia reacted instantly, flicking her wand at Chrys as she snarled, "Bombarda!"

Chrys ducked and rolled out of the way, she twisted to dodge another spell and flicked her wand at Sophia. "Confundus! Stupify! Stupify! Locomotor Wibbly!" Chrys snapped in rapid recession. Sophia raised her wand, "Protego!" effectively blocking the first three of Chrys' spells. The first-year, eyes glowing gold, mimicked the shield spell as Sophia shot a "Diffindo!" at her. If her legs hadn't of given out and Chrys' didn't shield properly, the spell would've struck her throat.

Shaking off the terror that realization brought her, Chrys flicked her wrist, muttering a string of, "Stupify! Stupify! Petrificus Totalis!"

The first missed, as Sophia rolled out of the way, but the other two hit her dead on. Chrys waited a moment, her body tense and ready to spring back into action, watching as the Queen stood and moved Sophia's unmoving body. She knelt down and after a moment or two, she stood and cast the counter curses at her before approaching Chrys. She gently grasped the little ginger's wand hand and raised it, "Heiress Chrysanemum Potter is the victor and Slytherin's new Princess!"

There was a pregnant pause of silence as what just occurred sunk in for the rest of Slytherin. Mattheo and Abraxus cheered, "Hell yeah! That's our girl!" Others joined in on the excitement, some only clapped politely, and the rest were still stunned that an itty bitty first-year girl became Slytherin Princess on the first day.

Chrys giggled as Mattheo and Abraxus hugged her tightly. She relished in the affection, letting any anxiety she'd been feeling ebb away at her friend's excited chattering.

The Queen smiled amusedly, "Alright, Heiress Potter, join me and we'll go over what your new position entails."

"Can Mattie and Ace join us?" she asked rather shyly. The older Slytherin nodded, "Of course." She led the three out of the common room and into a smaller room where the King and Prince now resided.

"We should introduce ourselves," she mused, "My name is Ophelia Lovelass. I'm a sixth-year, I became Princess in my third year and Queen this year after the last one graduated. You can call me, Pheli or Lia. Whichever you prefer."

"I'm Malachai Lestrange, also a sixth-year. I became King two years ago after duelling the previous one. Go ahead and call me Kai." the older boy spoke.

The younger boy piped up, "I'm Alexander Heisenberg, I prefer Alex, fourth-year. Like Kai, and now you, I got my position through a duel."

Chrys nodded, "Nice to meet you properly, I'm Chrysanthemum Potter. Please call me, Chrys." She lifted her hellhound pup, "These are my best friends, Mattheo Slytherin and Abraxus Malfoy-" she motioned to each boy- "and familiars; Mortifer, he's a hellhound, and Noxus, he's a Miffin."

Ophelia cooed, the younger witch was just too cute. Especially when she held her familiars like that, she looked like a toddler holding her stuffed toys. While the Slytherin Queen was gushing over the youngest addition to the Royal Court, Kai began chatting animatedly with Chrys about her familiars. He practically had stars in his eyes and listened intently as Chrys told him about each animal and what they could do.

Mattheo and Abraxus exchanged wary looks, was everyone going to attempt to adopt Chrys? Should they mention that to Severus?

They spared another glance at the newly formed Royal Court and sighed upon noticing Alex had also joined the conversation. Answer to the previous questions: Yes and yes.

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