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The walk to Dumbledore's office was quiet and nerve-wracking. Dozens of scenarios were running through Chrys' head like cars on a racetrack, with each one more anxiety-inducing than the last.

Did he find out that she and Harry had left the Dursleys? Was he going to make them go back? Or was this about Sirius? Remus? The Malfoys? Why was he summoning her after almost two months of silence? Halloween was tomorrow, was it about that? Did he know that she remembered everything? Or that all his manipulations were removed? Was he-

Chrys was snapped out of her anxious daze by a warm weight settling on her head. Like a deer in headlights, she looked up in a mild panic and met Severus' reassuring gaze.

"Everything will be okay," he assured softly, his voice smooth with an assurance that eased the ginger's nerves. "I'll be with you the entire time." he reminded, patting her head gently, "Take a moment to compose yourself before we meet with the Headmaster."

Picking up on the double meaning, Chrys took a deep breath. After a couple of minutes, she reinforced her occlumency shields and exhaled calmly before nodding to the Potion's Master. She was no master, but she worked hard on her mental shields and could fend Severus off for ten minutes! She'd master the technique eventually.

"I'm ready."

Nodding approvingly, Severus turned to the gargoyle's stature and, with a look of disdain, said the password, "Lemon drops."

The gargoyle turned to reveal a set of spiral stairs. Severus sighed, muttering something that sounded suspiciously like, "Daft codger and his stupid sweets." But if anyone asked, Chrys didn't hear a thing. And if Severus felt a small hand grasp his tightly, he didn't mention it.

The two climbed the stone steps, Chrys' anxiety steadily rising as they drew nearer and nearer to the man that hurt her and Harry the most.

"Remember what I told you." Severus' low voice was barely audible.

She nodded wordlessly as they arrived at the door to the Headmaster's office. Hesitantly, she relinquished her grip on Severus' hand, knowing they couldn't show how close they were just yet. Instead, she decided to stuff her trembling hands in her jumper pockets. After a concerned glance sent Chrys' way, Severus knocked firmly on the door. It was quiet for a moment before Dumbledore's voice called out to them.

"Come in!"

Severus obliged and held the door open for Chrys. "Ah... Severus, my boy, thank you for bringing Chrysanthemum. You may go." Dumbledore smiled genially, blue eyes twinkling behind half-moon glasses.

The potion's master did the opposite, however, and closed the door behind him. "Actually, Headmaster, Miss Potter has requested I be present for this visit," he responded smoothly.

"Severus, I can assure you that that is entirely unnecessary. Chrysanthemum is safe with me, and I'm sure you have many things to do." Dumbledore tried, his smile growing a bit forced.

Chrys, despite her anxiety, piped up, "Sir, I remember Professor Snape from when I was little and my Mumma brought me to visit him-" she fidgeted in her seat as Dumbledore's eyes shifted from Severus to her- "But I don't know you.. and strangers scare me, so I asked Professor Snape to stay during the meeting."

After a pregnant pause, she added, "A-also... I'm very uncomfortable with how personally you're addressing me."

Once again silence fell between the three of them. Chrys found the floor more interesting to look at as she tried her best to ignore how Dumbledore's gaze was, metaphorically, burning wholes into her. Severus surveyed silently, long potion-stained fingers twitching, ready to grab his wand if the need were to arise.

Finally, Dumbledore leaned back in his seat, a false grin on his bearded face. "If it makes you feel more comfortable, my dear girl," he said, the little pet name earned him a flinch from the two-tone-haired girl.

"Please, don't call me that, sir." she spoke softly, but it was clear enough for both Professors to hear clearly, "I'd prefer that you call me 'Miss Potter' or 'Heiress Potter'."

"Very well, Miss Potter." Dumbledore forced out, trying his best to suppress his annoyance. Severus raised a brow but otherwise didn't comment. He would let Chrys handle it until it seemed like she couldn't. Dumbledore continued, "I asked you to meet with me today to see how you've been settling in here at Hogwarts. I heard that you've had a little altercation with Percy Weasley?"

Chrys subtly glanced at Severus before lifting her head slightly, focusing her gaze on Fawkes; Who was perched on his stand behind the headmaster.

"I'm doing good," she answered, fidgeting a bit, "I wouldn't say it was an altercation. He confessed his feelings and asked to court me, but I'm just coming into the magical world and I'm not really interested in dating or anything like that right now." She timidly glanced up at the old headmaster, looking the part of the abused, anxious little girl, "I-I didn't mean to hurt his feelings.. honest."

Dumbledore smiled genially, "I'm sure you didn't, Miss Potter. I simply wanted to clear things up. Though, there is another issue I wished to address with you."

Chrys tilted her head curiously, "Of course, headmaster! What is it?"

"I'm worried about your sorting into Slytherin." the old man informed bluntly, "I know how that house treats muggle-born and muggle-raised children, so I wanted to make sure you were doing alright. I'd be happy to re-sort you-"

"Oh! I like Slytherin very much! Everyone is nice and looks after me. Marcus Flint taught me how to ride a broom, he said I'd be an excellent beater!" she beamed. She didn't have to fake the glee she showed, nor did she have to lie. All she did was make her tone a bit more childish and energetic, "Pheli is like a big sister to me, she's a Sixth year, and she's been teaching me how to braid my hair and even painted my nails a pretty silver, see?"

Dumbledore's smile grew more and more forced the longer she spoke, but he still maintained his grandfatherly act as he leaned over his desk to inspect the metallic-silver painted nails. Both Slytherins noticed the slight twitch in his left eye upon seeing the emerald snakes delicately painted on the ginger's middle fingernails.

"I see, they're very pretty." he managed, barely concealing the venom in his tone. He kept reminding himself not to ruin his image, lest he lose any chance of building trust between himself and the Potter children.

"Was that all you needed to talk about sir?" Chrys asked, "Cause I'm late for Transfiguration and I don't want to make Professor McGonagall upset."

Dumbledore's brow eye twitched as he clasped his hands, "Yes, my dear girl, run along now."

Chrys suppressed a flinch as she flashed a polite smile before hopping off her seat and trotting over to Severus, who held the door open for her. The potion's master followed her out and shut the door before Dumbledore could say anything. They descended the stairs and walked down two halls before Chrys stopped, Severus did as well and frowned as he looked at her, only to find the preteen trembling. Her small, scarred hands were clutching the hem of her jumper as if her life depended on it as tears welled up in her big hazel eyes.

Severus moved in front of her and knelt down. He brushed her tears away with potion-stained thumbs, "Deep breaths, little one." he spoke softly, "Was it the meeting itself? Or something the headmaster said?"

Chrys whimpered as she grasped his hands tightly, calloused fingers tapping the back of his left hand twice. Severus nodded in understanding, "I'm going to pick you up and take you to Madam Pomphry for a calming draught and a nap. Don't worry about Transfiguration, I'll let McGonagall know you were feeling unwell and have Mattheo and Abraxus bring your classwork." He moved his hands to her armpits and lifted her up. As he settled the distraught child on his hip, he continued to speak, "We'll talk about this when you feel ready. Is that alright?"

After a soft, "Yes.." from the child, Severus nodded and strode down the hall, rubbing her back soothingly. He was glad she asked him to attend the meeting for two reasons. One, it showed how much she trusted him, and two, he didn't trust that codger to be alone with any child, especially Chrys and Harry.

Albus Dumbledore would pay for everything he'd done to his children.

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