chapter 8: killing teigu's owners and Sheele's confession

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The capital in the night

Third person POV

A tall man with blonde hairs and a military uniform is in the street keeping a woman from the neck

Woman: please, spare me

The woman says scared

???: didn't your parent thought you that the dangerous monsters appears at night?

Woman: if you spare me, I'll do anything you ask for

???: anything? Then... how would your head feel if separed from your body? Will it feels lonely?

Woman: eh-

Suddenly her head got ripped from her body

??: I love doing this!

At Night Raid's base the next day:

Tatsumi was outside training with a huge stone sword as he was sweating, after a while he was tired

Tatsumi: I'm tired big brother, my arms...

Bulat: oh? What's up? Seems you can't move well enough

Bulat the went to help Tatsumi

Bulat: focus... make your will stronger. If you will stop doing useless moves you'll be more tough

Meanwhile Y/n was in the forest training with his sacred gear, he was in his scared gear level 2 form now, cause he needed to become stronger

Ghidorah: you can't become stronger only in these form. Turn back to your normal form!

Y/n: but why?

Ghidorah(Ichi): in that form you are strong enough. You can't use those forms all the times. So keep training in your normal form.

Y/n came back to his normal form

Ghidorah(San): with lightnings and storms you're good, let's try to manipulate the gravity

Y/n: How do I have to do that?

Ghidorah(Ni): focus on what you wanna lift

Y/n: ok then

Akame: hey Y/n

She say smiling

Y/n: oh, hey Akame

Akame: is your training doing good?

Y/n: yeah, could you do a favor to me, Akame?

Akame: sure thing. What is?

Y/n: I was training myself with my sacred gear, I was training in manipulating gravity on things and people around me. Could you help me?

Akame: oh- sure Y/n

Ghidorah (Ichi): good choice, trying on a person is better. You did a good choice partner

Y/n: thanks Ghidorah

Ghidorah (Ichi): focus yourself on her

Y/n points his left hand at Akame, the ten-horns crown in his left hand starts to glow in golden as Akame gets surrounded by a golden aura, and then she floats at midhair

Akame: woah! So this is how it feels flying

Y/n then moves his hand as Akame moves too

Akame: Amazing Y/n but could you drop me now?

Y/n: oh yea, sorry Akame

Y/n then puts Akame down

Meanwhile in DxD world:

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