your level of power and other new techniques

229 2 0

Your tier: 7B (Sacred Gear base form)|High 7A (Balance Breaker 1,2)|6B possibly 6A (Etherious form)|5B (Balance Breaker 3)|High 4A (Overbalance Breaker: Ink Demon)| 2C (Juggernaut Drive after evolving Golden Demise into Golden Terror, after evolving Golden Demise into Golden Terror, in Juggernaut Drive the power is higher than Ghidorah when he was alive. Higher of at least 20000 times)

Your immortality: type 1, 2, 3 and 4

Your speed: relativistic (base speed), low hypersonic (flying in Juggernaut Drive), hypersonic+ (flying in the other forms), massively hypersonic+ (reaction speed)|FTL+

Your regeneration: low high (even if a single cell or a puddle of blood remains it will be enough to regenerate, even if the bones or the organs gets destroyed they will regenerate istantly), high-divine (can regenerate the soul with Agronemt)

Note: this is your tier from the beginning of the story to Dilhade arc. The tier will be changed in future (check the chapter called Void Ghidorah Bio to see your final tier. However at the end of the story this small tier list will be updated again)

New techniques:


Jio Graze
Gia Greas


Thor Hammer

Medusa Alope Demeter

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Medusa Alope Demeter

Medusa Alope Demeter

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New form:

Overbalance Breaker: Ink Demon

A form born combining the power of the Balance Breaker 3 with the Etherious power. In this form, Y/n goes into his etherious form, but his height stays the same. His wings and tails becomes black with golden tips, his wings doesn't change their appearence but goes behind Y/n's back. Y/n also have arms in this form. Ni and San becomes black with red eyes and their horns gets replaced by two horns identical to Y/n's etherious form. This form is currently the most powerful, second only to the Juggernaut Drive. In this form he can use both his curse and his Sacred Gear. Something very powerful

The Golden King of the Monsters (Male Reader × HSDxD × AGK × FT)Where stories live. Discover now