chapter 21.5: an help with the Nightmares

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I opened my eyes and I already realized what was happening. The room was the same. But I noticed my fianceès weren't here, but my legs and arms were tied with thorns. I also saw a throne were someone was sitting. I could see his silhouette and a part of his clothes but I couldn't see his face

 I could see his silhouette and a part of his clothes but I couldn't see his face

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Then he started to talk

??: very well, we are meeting again

Y/n: what do you want!! Stop torment my dreams!!

??: oh, I can't. I'm doing this cause I wanted to tell you that we are going to meet soon. Let me tell you one thing, I'm not from your world. But from a world called earthland

Y/n: I don't fucking care!! Just stop torment my fucking dreams!!

??: I knew you would act like this. The true reason tonight, Is my will to show you something I created.

Then I saw my fianceès tied up

Akame: uh... what's that

Xenovia: wait-- who are you

Sheele: Y/n!!

Akeno: please... help us

??: you can't protect them

Y/n: bitch what do you want to do!! Leave them alone

??: Memento Mori

Y/n: what did you sai--

I saw them a purple fog made of soul surrounding them. And then they disappeared

Rias: Y/N!!!!

I was shocked


??: I showed you that you are not strong enough to protect those who you love.

Y/n: I don't care who are you... tell me your fucking name... I will destroy you!!!

??: I won't tell you my name, it wouldn't be funny. I'll tell you only three letters: M G T

Y/n: you... son of a... you will pay....

I woke up

Y/n: another nightmare... I can't do it anymore...

I got up, luckily no one waked up. I walked to Rias' room. She was in her bed. I knocked and luckily she heard me

Rias: enter

I entered

Rias: Y/n? Are you ok? You should sleep right now

Y/n: no... can I talk to you about something...?

Rias: come here.

I sat on her bed

Rias: what did you wanted to talk about?

My eyes went to tears

Y/n: ... since weeks I'm having horrible nightmares...

Rias: aww, tell me, what do you see?

Y/n: I see... you and the others killed... and there is this man who keeps saying that I can't protect you and the others. Tonight... he showed me how he killed you and the others... he say we're going to meet soon but I don't know his name... he just gave three letters: M G T. All I know is that he have a large ponytail, a black jacket, he is tall, he always carry a book and his voice is deep... but nothing more... I don't know what this means... I don't know why it's happening... but I'm starting to have the fear that I can't protect you or the others...

I was stopped by Rias who gave me an hug. My face was between her huge tits. She then took a bed sheet and covered both of us

Rias: I understand how do you feel sweetie. Don't worry, I won't leave you. I'm sorry you're having all of these nightmares but they should have a meaning, we will find a way to slove them

I felt so little, I felt like a scared kid with his mother to comfort him. Rias always had the personality of a big sister and sometimes of a mother. I wanted to apologize for having wet her dressing gown, but she moved my hairs and kissed my foreheard

Rias: are you feeling better sweetie?

Y/n: y-yeah. I'm glad you're one of my fianceès you always make me feel better

Rias: ufufu, I know, but I have to tell you that you gotta come back to your room. I know we are engaged but if my parents see us they would have the wrong idea. Because if we weren't, I would just kissed and snuggled you until you would fall asleep

I curled up into a ball. Bringing my fists near her chest. I felt so small, like a little kid. But it wasn't a bad feeling. I felt like she could protect me from everything

Y/n: c-can we stay like this for a while?

Rias: sure sweetie

She petted my hairs and kissed me. I liked it, after a few minutes she told me I had to go

Rias: I'm sorry, but you have to go back to your room

Y/n: yeah, I'm going. And sorry for having show you this part of me.

Rias: no dont apologize. I think you did well in showing me your feelings

I got up and I started to walk to my room. But I felt her walking, and then she hugged me from behind. I could feel her tits pressing on my neck and head

Rias: I'm sorry for having talked like that, just you mean so much to me and I don't want to loose you

Y/n: Rias, I promise as your boyfriend, that I won't let anything hurt you or my other fianceès

Rias: I know you will, my sweet little Y/n

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