chapter 13: Stylish death, balance breaker 3 and new members of night raid

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A/n: before starting. Thank you sooo much for 1k views god bless you <3

Third POV

The night raid were been awake the whole night for Y/n return, but they didn't know what would happen really soon. Lubbock and Leone were sleeping cause they drank too much, but she suddenly wake up

Leone: oh yeah, we've been awake the whole night for Y/n's return and we passed out

Tatsumi was sleeping on the ground and leone was going outside to take a bath, she looked at the water until instead of herself, she saw someone else, this person jumped from the water and stabbed Leone

Toroma: I did it Stylish-sama. I, the Toroma killed the first one

Another person meanwhile was talking to Stylish

??: he says he will continue with the mission Stylish-sama

Stylish: Good job. As expected from the knight's role. He jumped into the enemy's territory. It's time, team Stylish, attack with passion and intensity!



I was sleeping, we had a great homecoming party and I was very tired, until I suddenly woke up cause of Ghidorah

Ghidorah (Ichi): Partner we got a problem

Y/n: what do you mean?

Ghidorah (Ichi): we sensed a lot of people getting closer here, they are rulered by Stylish


Ghidorah (Ni): Yes, he found us

I then ran to tell the other what was happening, but they were all sleeping and Leone was not there, I decided to wake them up using a sound I had saved on my phone

This scared them all and waked them up

Lubbock: Y/n what the fuck are you doing?!

Y/n: you can insult me later, we are in trouble now, a member of the Jaegers found or base!!

Tatsumi: how can that be possible

Akeno: Ara, looks like we're in trouble

Third person POV

Lubbock: damn it, there are a lot lf enemy outside--

An enemy enters

Enemy: night raid. I'll kill him

He then attack Lubbock but he use his teigu to defeat him but without success

Stylish squad member: another one down


Akeno and Y/n were running until a lot of enemies entered

Akeno: ara ara, seems we have to fight

Y/n: sure thing. Golden Demise!!

He then activates his sacred gear shocking everyone except Akeno

Enemy: what Teigu is that

Ghidorah: damn you didnt used us for many time

Y/n: I know sorry guys. But we will talk later

Y/n tries to charge a gravity beam, but instead, a white spinning sphere appear in his hands and then a wooden beam is shooted

(A/n: this but smaller)

Ghidorah (San): what was that?!

Y/n: you should know

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