chapter 52: reunited

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As the dragons were helping to destroy Face, you was thinking about how putting asleep again the titans. Meanwhile in the other cities everyone were looking amazed to the dragons, but with fear the titans. Until, all those Face bombs were destroyed and intead of "Face On" appeared "Face Signal Lost" as you was feeling your magic coming back again

Y/n: ahhh, I'm feeling strong again

Ni: I know that, but we can't let these titans wander on the continent

San: yeah. We should put them back asleep

Y/n/Ichi: let's do that

You spreaded your wings again and along with Ni and San you, gave the titans a new command by using your alpha aura

Y/n/Ghidorah: your job is over. Return back from where you appeared, my subordinates!!
Igneel: we avoided the return of E.N.D. we won

Everyone cheered up

Meanwhile you returned normal. You were woundless since your regeneration but the superior part of your clothes was ripped off and you was covered in your own blood

 You were woundless since your regeneration but the superior part of your clothes was ripped off and you was covered in your own blood

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Y/n: wow

Ghidorah (Ichi): congratulation partner, now you can use youe Juggernaut Drive without problem and you are also the King of the Monsters

Y/n: Yeah but, I feel pain everywhere...

Ghidorah (Ni): your bones are shattered right now. It's a good sign, if you train hard you won't have consequences anymore

Y/n: yeah. By the way, I should give a name to that roar... idea! I'll call it Alpha Call

Ghidorah (Ni): Alpha Call huh?

Ghidorah (San/Kevin): I like it

Y/n: yea yeah-

Your eyes then wided

Y/n: we gotta discuss later. Gravity wings!!

You spreaded your gravity wings and began to fly
Sting: Weisslogia was alive... for all this time?

Igneel: also Grandine, Skiadrum and Metallicana. We were all in the bodies of the Dragon Slayers. Even better, we were sleeping in your bodies

Natsu: why you were in my body?! I didn't eat you!

Igneel: two reasons. One was him, it was to avoid that the Dragon Slayers would become dragons

Natsu: that Zirconis said the same thing. So he was a human?

Igneel: yeah. The other reason is-

He was stopped by Acnologia who returned alive and the battle began again

Natsu: Igneel!

Igneel: I'll tell you after killing him. Take that book!

Rogue: a book?

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