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I wonder how people describe me when they're talking about me to someone who's never met me.



"Come on Ayame-nii! We're going to be late and I won't get to sit next to Sasuke-kun!" Sakura whined loudly as she pulled on my arm and dragged me towards the academy. I sighed excessively and simply let her pull me there.

Hi, my name is Ayame Haruno. I'm 13 and the older twin of Sakura. We may be twins but we are very different. We both have pink hair but while Sakura has green gade eyes, I have bright blue ones. Our personalities are very different as well. Sakura is very quick-tempered, easily irritated by others, courageous, compassionate, and caring to some. I'm nothing like that, like at all. Our styles were also very different. Sakura had long hair down to her mid-back while I had cut my hair to just below my shoulders which I had put up in a side ponytail and had bangs covering my forehead. Sakura wore her usual red Kimoto with shorts kind of outfit while mine was very different.

Ayame's Geninn outfit👇

You would never be able to tell if we were twins if not for our pink hair

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You would never be able to tell if we were twins if not for our pink hair. Our facial look was also slightly different too.

Sakura dragged me into the academy and as soon as she saw Ino she glared at her. "Hey, billboard brows," Ino smirked. "Shut up Ino pig!" Sakura shouted back.

"Morning, Ino." I greeted her with a small wave and a neutral face.

"Oh, hi Ayame-chan!" She waved enthusiastically before looking back at Sakura. Both girls started bickering about god knows what while I continued to walk and just entered the class. Today was graduation day I could see everyone was excited about finally being able to leave the academy. I walked in and went to my seat. "Morning," I greeted Sasuke as I passed him. I heard him let out a small hn in acknowledgment.

I went up and sat next to Shikamaru. "Hi, Shika." I smiled slightly at him. "Hi," He said giving me his usual lazy smile. "Excited?" He asked leaning on his arm to look at me. "Meh," I shrugged and we both fell into a comfortable silence. Naruto walked into the room and Shikamaru rose an eyebrow at him. "What are you doing here Naruto? This place is only for graduates." Shikamaru deadpanned. "Oh but I am!" Naruto said pointing to his headband. "See? I passed too, believe it!" He grinned happily.

"Gongratuations Naruto. I'm glad you managed to pass." I smiled softly at him. He blinked at me before his cheeks turned bright red and he scratched the back of his head. "Thanks, Ayame-chan." I reached up and patted his spiky hair. He blushed harder but still grinned at me. I retracted my arm and told him to go sit, so he went and sat next to Sasuke. Soon enough, Sakura and Ino came running into the room.

"I got here first!" Sakura yelled.

"No! It was me! I put my foot in first!" Ino shot back.

"You did not!"

Ayame Haruno (Naruto Various x OC)Where stories live. Discover now