Where Is She?

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Sakura was panicking. 

She ran through he streets, panicking. She had no idea where Ayame could be, but she needed to see her. A part of her was scared, however. She hadn't seen Ayame since that day, and to say she was nervous was an understatement. 

She wanted to apologize. She wanted to scream and cry. She wanted to hug Ayame and beg for her forgiveness. She wanted...

She just wanted her sister back, damn it.

But she didn't know where she was, for one. But she did know who would know. She took a sharp turn and ran into the Nara compound. 

She could always count on Shikamaru to know where Ayame would be. 

She skidded to a stop just outside the main Nara house, panting slightly, she knocked on the door and waited. A moment passed and Shikamaru opened the door, yawning. He blinked when he caught sight of her, he opened his his mouth to speak but Sakura didn't let him.

"Do you know where Ayame is?" She blurted out.

Shikamaru blinked, seemingly taken aback, and stared at her for a moment. "Why do you wanna know?" He asked after a moment. 

"I need to...I need to talk to her," Sakura whispered, suddenly feeling all the more nervous under Shikamaru's judging gaze. 

"...She's on a mission right now."

Sakura felt her heart sink in disappointment. "Do you know when she'll be back?" She asked instead. 

Shikamaru shrugged. "Could be a few days, could be a few weeks, who's to say." 

Sakura couldn't help but feel disappointment and frustration start to build up in her. "Okay...thanks."She sighed, turning to leave. 

She felt Shikamaru's eyes on her back the whole time until she felt the compound. 

So Ayame wasn't in the village right now, and Shikamaru didn't know when she'd be back. Lady Tsuande should know, though, right?

....but even if Tsuande did know, was there even any guarantee she would tell Sakura of all people? It was pretty well known that Sakura and Ayame had a fallout, and most people didn't want to get on the bad side of Ayame, a Jonin and student of the Hatake Kakashi.

Sakura stood in the busy street, feeling utterly lost.

Barely anyone would willing to help Sakura find Ayame, not unless she told them she wanted to apologize, and even then, there was no guarantee that Ayame even wanted to talk to Sakura as it was. Sakura had been undeniably mean and rude to Ayame that day, and they hadn't seen or spoken to each other since.

That was nearly a year ago already.

Did Ayame even want to talk to Sakura again? Was she over it? Did Ayame hate Sakura now? Did Ayame even think of Sakura anymore? She didn't know. She didn't know. And god damn it she didn't know.

Ayame could be out there living her best life for all Sakura knew, only for Sakura to come and ruin it.

But Sakura didn't know what to do. At most, all she wanted was to see Ayame, just to see her, alive and well. That was it. If she got to talk to her, that would be a blessing, but she wasn't going to hope for the impossible. If Ayame didn't want to see her, then fine. But Sakura just...she just wanted to make sure her sister was okay.

Was that so wrong?

Maybe it was, for her at least.

She didn't deserve it. She didn't deserve Ayame. Not even in the slightest. And she felt selfish to even so much as think she deserved a chance at reminding their relationship.

Ayame Haruno (Naruto Various x OC)Where stories live. Discover now