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"Gaara?" I whisper, my throat still hurting from my earlier sobbing. "Is something wrong?" I ask softly, carefully eyeing his expression. He looked troubled, slightly, it was hard to read his face, but I got used to reading more-a-less expressionless faces. 

"I apologize. Did I wake you?" I shook my head and smiled. 

"Nah, I was awake. Why? Something you need?" I asked, smiling kindly at him. He really needed to get used to smiles. 

"If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to talk to you about something." He said quietly. I pressed my lips together. He's so cute. Why is he so cute? It's not fair. I nodded, stepping aside to let him in. He walked in, slowly, and I closed the door. Gesturing him to sit on the bed while I sat beside him. 

"So," I said, sitting crisscrossed on the bed while facing him. "What do you want to talk about?"

Gaara looked down at his lap, staring at his hands. " were the first person to ever be nice to me..." I blinked but stayed silent. "And you were the first to reach out to me...the first person to touch me without getting attacked by my sand. You were my first friend...and the first person to smile at me. You were the first...of many things for me." I'm not sure if I'm supposed to feel bad or flattered. Probably both. Someone help me, I'm terrible at emotional stuff. What's the point of this anything? 

"...But...I wanted to ask you...why...?" He looked up, hesitantly meeting my gaze. I carefully kept my gaze calm, considering how confused and perplexed I was feeling. 

"Why what?" I asked.

"Why...did you approach me? Why- why were you nice to me? Why did you help me? Why did you want to be my friend? Why?" He questioned, his voice getting quieter after each sentence. Hmm, I have a strange feeling I should be feeling bad right now. But am I? No. Why? Because I don't fucking do emotions. All I know about is being pissed, annoyed, irritated, angry, depressed, and sad. That's it! Ugh, why me?

"You want to know...why I approached you?" I asked confused. He nodded. 

"Why...why were you not scared of me? Did- didn't you think of me as a monster?" Shit, he looks so cute and innocent. What have these people been doing to this child??

"Well...truth be told...when I first met you, I was a little uneasy." I started, not bothering to try and sugarcoat it, cuz why would I? He needs to know the truth. He needs to learn to trust and lying only does the opposite. "It was because I felt your chakra before I saw you. It was wild, angry, and bloodthirsty," He looked down. "But it was also scared and sad." He looked up with a slightly confused expression. "When I saw you, when I really saw you, you reminded me of reminded me too much of myself it almost hurt." His confused expression was adorable, to say the least

"Your eyes, are a similar color to my sister's, but they held the emotions I saw in my own eyes every morning. Honestly, it made me a little curious. I wondered why you had that look in your eyes because I know it's not the easy kind to achieve. Naturally, I felt drawn to you because you seemed to like me in a way, or, the way I would have been had I not made a friend who saved me before I went down that path." I stared at my hands with a soft smile. "I could see myself in you. I know I don't show it, but you represented perfectly how I felt inside most of the time. I thought that maybe you didn't have anyone, like I did, to stop you from going down the path you did. So I reached out to you because I knew what that felt like. I may not have been in your situation, but, I still understand how you must've felt. I wanted to help you like I wanted someone to help me. Someone did help me, so I wanted to help you too, to give you a chance.

Ayame Haruno (Naruto Various x OC)Where stories live. Discover now