Perfectly Fine.

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We reappeared somewhere else in the forest, far away from Orochimaru. I dropped Sakura semi-genitally and my legs gave out from exhaustion and chakra depletion. I started panting, my breaths so quick and deep it hurt. I was on my hands and knees, my arms were shaking and my whole body felt like it was on fire. I just wanted to close my eyes and sleep right there and then but I knew I couldn't. I pushed myself to my feet and turned to see both Sasuke and Naruto staring at me. I took a step back and leaned against a tree to keep myself from falling. 

"Are either of you hurt?" I asked, closing my eyes. I tried my best to keep the shaking out of my voice. 

"We're fine. Sakura is too but you... you're bleeding all over." Naruto said worry filling his voice. 

"Oh really? I hadn't noticed my blood was leaking out of my body uncontrollably but thanks for letting me know." I snapped irradiated. I realized a second later that I just snapped and messed up my hair in frustration. There must be some poison in my system that's making me irrefutable. "Sorry, Naruto. I'm just a little on edge." I sighed. "Look we need to get to the tower before sunset today. Naruto please make some shadow clones to carry Sakura. We need to get going before Orochimaru finds us again." I instructed. 

"Maybe you should rest a bit Ayame. The amount of blood you're losing isn't good." Sasuke said. 

"Don't worry about me. I'm perfectly fine." I want to punch myself right now. "I'll be fine. Now come on, let's go." I heaved myself off the tree and flew to the tree tops. 

"Ayame-chan. But what about the scrolls?" Naruto asked jumping behind me. 

"I've already got them," I told him. "That grass nin was pretty stupid to bring his scroll along with him when he was scouting." 

We were able to make it to the tower by Sunset. The moment we got inside I felt like a ton of weights were taken off my back, but that didn't stop the overall pain in my body. I told one of the Jonnin there that Orochimaru was in the forest dressed as a genin. I told Naruto and Sasuke to take Sakura and put her in a room while I go and rest. Was I really going to rest? I wish. No, I did plan to but I ran into a certain someone. 

I was walking down the hall, my head held down to pain. I bumped into someone's chest. I didn't move and just looked up at them. "....Hi Konkuro." I greeted. 

"The the hell happened to you?" He asked holding my shoulders and looking me up and down. 

"I ran into an S-rank ninja disguised as a genin and he didn't seem too happy that I shot up a flare to warn everyone else." I shortly explained as my head flopped from side to side, my eyes half open.  

"Oh, it was you who shot the flare then." 

"Hmmm," I leaned against his chest without thinking and closed my eyes. I could hear his heart beating fast. "I'm so tired~" I whispered quietly. I sucked in a long sigh. "I should get to my room before I pass out. See ya around." I pushed myself off him and slowly walked down the hall. The second I got inside my room I flopped on the bed, and finally being able to relax, I drifted off into the darkness. 

"Ayame-nii!" I heard a voice scream. It sounded like Sakura. "Ayame!" Another. It sounded like Shikamaru."Sakura? Shikamaru?" I called out. All I could see was darkness and walked forward, feeling around if there was anything in my way. I took a step, and I fell. I screamed as I felt myself falling but couldn't feel or see anything. After a second I hit the ground with force straight to my back and cried out in pain. I pushed myself to sit up and saw a red light beaming down on Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Hinata, Ino, Kiba, Neji, Choji, Shino, and Lee. They were sitting in a line next to each other. They were all on their knees with their hands tied behind their backs. "Guys?" I called out as I tried to stand but I felt a stabbing pain run up my legs and I fell again. I looked over at them and a black silhouette was now standing behind them. They held their hand up and what seemed to be a black sword appeared. "Ayame-nii help us!" Sakura screamed. "Ayame-chan please help!" Naruto shouted. "Ayame what are you doing get up and come help us!" Sasuke shouted.  "Ayame help!" Shikamaru shouted. The silhouette raised its black sword and they all screamed. I couldn't move. I couldn't feel anything. I couldn' all. My heart was beating so fast that I felt like it was about to explode. My legs and arms were shaking uncontrollably. My eyes stung and I felt like I couldn't breathe. No. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move. I couldn't do anything. The sword swung and I flinched as blood splattered on my face. My team....were now laying on the floor, motionless. A pool of blood growing bigger and bigger around them. My eyes were wide and my mouth was open. I couldn't feel anything. My body was numb. All I could feel in my heart was dread, pain, and anxiety. My heart itself felt numb. My baby...sister...lay dead on the floor in front of me. My best...friend...lay in front of me. My friends and on the floor in front of me. I heard footsteps and I looked up to see Kakashi-sensei, my parents, and other Jonin team leaders looking down at me. But...they were glaring at me. My mother came in front of me and slapped me across my face. "How could you let your sister die!" She screamed and I couldn't bring myself to look back at her. "I knew from the day you were born I should have just killed you." My father hissed. "Such a useless child," The other senseis said. "How could you not do anything as your own sister died in front of you?!" My mother screamed. "How could you not save her?! You should have died instead! You useless, good-for-nothing brat!" She started hitting and kicking me but I didn't react, I just stared at the ground silently. "How could you not feel anything for your teammates?" Kakashi asked me. I looked up at him with teary eyes. I opened my mouth and my words I choked on my words. "S-sensei I-" He slapped me before I could say anything. "Shut up! No one wants to hear it you useless brat!... I never liked you. I always knew you would be the downfall of the team. I should have just left you to die alone in the forest that day!" He said. "I wish we never gave birth to you!" My mother shouted. "You ungrateful child!" My father screamed. "You were always jealous of our precious Sakura! Now you killed her! I hope you're happy you murder!" "Shikamaru was your best friend." Asuma sensei said. "How could you do this to him?" He asked, his voice filled with hatred. "You deserve to die!" My parents shouted. I looked up and they all pulled out kunai and over weapons. "N-n-no! P-lease! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I screamed as tears streamed down my face. "We should have never trusted you." They said as they swung their weapons at me. 

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