Chapter 17

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The next day Alpha Alan called for a pack meeting regarding the pack's annual summer day festival that was approaching in a couple of weeks.

As everyone sat down Alan waited patiently and only started to speak when the last person was seated.

"As you all know our Annual summer festival is approaching in a few weeks. There are also some members who have come of age will be leaving the pack territory to go to University.

As normal during our festival we will be celebrating those members and of course celebrating the end of the summer and getting ready for the colder months ahead.

Our festival this year we will be having a bbq with a live band and then a DJ followed by a bon fire.

We will be inviting our neighbouring pack allies, Midnight warriors and stone Ledge to our festival I expect everyone to welcome them and treat them with respect.

I am going to need some volunteers to help plan the festival and help organise and decorate. I also need volunteers for catering and then the clean up afterwards.

I have a clipboard here and Ill pass it around, if you want to volunteer please put your name down and what you would like to volunteer for."

Alpha Daniel handed the clipboard to the nearest person before going back to his position.

"We are now recruiting new warriors, hunters, spys for those of age. If you want to enquire about any of these positions then please see Logan the Head Warrior, Andy the Head hunters and Brody the Head Spy.

Also it doesn't matter if you're male or female you can still enquire to join.

I will allow the clipboard to continue going around to everyone who wishes to sign up to volunteer while I go take care of some things.

Could the last person take the clipboard back to my office when done...?" With that Alpha Daniel nods his head and leaves the hall.


(3 weeks later )

"I still cant believe that you made me volunteer to bake cookies and cakes." Lilly moans.

"Also cupcakes and pies, don't forget about them." Kayleigh grinned.

Lilly groaned louder. "Is Jessica volunteering too?

"Of course she is, she's helping with the cooking.

The two Omegas got under way of their baking and didn't stop until they made their quota for the festival later that day.

After clearing up their mess they met up with Jessica and some others in the pack house game room to relax before getting ready for the festival.

When they entered the games room Justin, Brandon and a few other betas were in there playing the Xbox One.

They were pretty engrossed into their game that they didn't hear or see the Omega's enter. Jessica waved them over and they sat down on the sofa next to her.

"So, how did cooking go? Lilly asks giving Jessica a pointed look. Jessica smirks, "Um, just fine."

Lilly scuffs, "you didn't actually cook anything did you?" Jessica bites her bottom lip trying to hold back her growing smile. "I had every intention too, but got side tracked..."

"Side tracked by what?" Kayleigh perks up giving her friend a puzzled look.

"Sleeping?" Jessica says grinning.

Lilly folds her arms "Ugh no fair why did Jessica get to sleep in and we had to bake all morning?"

Kayleigh rolls her eyes, "Lilly stop moaning its for the festival and it feels good to contribute to it doesn't it?"

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