Todays the day

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Y/n's POV

I woke to the sound of my brother calling my name from downstairs.

"Y/NNNN!!" He yelled trying to wake me up.

"COMINGGGGG," I yelled in replied, getting out of bed I walked down the stairs.

"AHHH Y/NNNN!" Hu tao yelled in excitement.

"AHHHHH HU TAOOOO!" I yelled in excitement with my random boost of energy. 

"WHY AREN'T YOU DRESSED UR TATTOO appointment IS IN ONE HOUR, IT'S ALREADY 10AM!" Hu tao yelled as she took her shoes off and walked into the house. 

"Oh yess I must get dressed." I said realising I was still in my pyjamas.

"Well then go go!" Hu Tao said hushing me along.

I went up stairs to get ready to go as Hu tao and Zhongli talked about the latest true crime murder podcasts or whatever they listen too. I walked passed my room, realising that Childe was still asleep in Zhongli's room. I saw Udon sitting between mine and Zhongli's room. 

"Come on Udon, don't be snooping on peoples privacy, besides we've gotta get ready for today." I said as Udon followed me to my room so I could get ready. 

5 minutes or so later I was ready to go~

"Soooo," Hu tao said ask I put my shoes on.

"You got your everything?" I asked.

"Of course I do," She said in reply, "Let's goooo. BYE ZHONGLI!!!" Shutting the door behind us.

"bus or train?" I asked.

"Train definitely train, bus drivers don't like me lol." She laughed in replied. "Soooo~"

"So?" I questioned.

"Scaramouche huh," She said as she put her hands behind her head.

"What, no I-," I stuttered.

"Y/n all I said was a name, and u freaking out. Childe was right you really are down bad, heh~" She said as we neared the train station, and boarded the train.

"I AM NOT." I yelled back, causing the old man next to use to turn his head. 

"If I can hear you, then you might be a little too loud," the old man said as he smiled, "Cause I'm going deaf."

I stared a Hu Tao, before apologising to the old man, and continuing to talk to Hu tao.






Soon enough we arrived outside the glass building.

"Well we're here," Hu Tao said as she looked through the window to see if anyone else was in the waiting area. "Uhh, we might be early, cause there is no one else waiting in there.

"Oh, uhh we'll just wait out here for a little then," I replied.

"No no, if the doors open, we'll just go in and take a seat." She said grabbing my hand. 

Xiao's POV:

I was just playing games in my phone when two people appeared, and stared into the waiting area. Considering Hu tao was there staring into a building doesn't seem that strange, and the person next to them was Y/n. It might be wrong though. 

I opened Instagram back up to see Scaramouche's post about Y/n and it definitely was them.

"Scaramouche!" I called from the reception. "Your Girlfriend/Boyfriend/soulmate(idk) is hereee!" I said mockingly. 

"I don't have a-," Scaramouche said walking out of a room, before pausing his sentence to see y/n and Hu Tao at the window. 

"COME ON Y/N, U CAN'T WAIT HERE FOREVER," We heard Hu Tao yell from outside. It was honestly kinda funny, she looked crazy.

Y/n's POV

"Fine we'll go in." I said, standing up, and opening the door.

"hi," I heard someone say as we entered the waiting area. 

"uh hi, Im here for an appointmen-" I said until the person at the reception interrupted me.

"Yea, I know anyways scaramouche is right thereee-, WAIT  WHEREED THE HELL DID HE GO!!" I the receptionist yelled.

"Xiao, I'm right here." Scaramouche said as he walked in and lent on the wall.

"Oh Hu Tao, giveth meth thy Udon," I said in a funny voice. 

"Of courseth," She replied while handing me Udon. 

"well then, come on through and I'll get your tattoo done." Scaramouche said as he turned around.

"Hello," I heard a sweet voice say as we walked through the hall. I peaked through to see a blonde, with a red streak sitting at a desk.

"Damn, your co workers are pretty hot Scara." I said as Scaramouche continued walking. 

"Come on Y/n, you're here for a tattoo not to flirt," He said before dragging me along, with Udon following behind us. 

We sat down in the room and Scaramouche grabbed out his phone to find the picture of the tattoo I wanted. 

Pretty Y/n

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Tartaglia Girlie getting their tattoo now I see

          ↳ Pretty Y/n gasp the sleepy bitch is finally awake

                       ↳Boo!<3 U better tell me EVERYTHING

                                ↳Adeptus Me too

Hello my dear readers

I had originally planned to make this a long chapter but, I'm gonna live you with this for now :)))))

have a good day or night and stay safe <3333

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