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Y/n's POV

At the sushi place ~

We sit down, facing each other before Scaramouche leans in.

"Did you want to know what I wanted as the winner?" He says leaning his head on his hands.

"Yeaaa...?" I respond unsure of what his response would be.

"Go on a date with me." He says titling his head slightly.

I felt my face heat up, "I-... WHAT?" Was all I managed to spit out.

"What?" Was all he responded with.

"Oh uh, No no I really would like to it's just... if you had lost would you still have eventually asked me?" I asked unsure of what type of answer I would get.

"Yes, but I considered that well, considering what happened in the arcade I thought you'd say yes.." He said awkwardly.

"Oh, Well did you want to choose something else as the winner because even if you had lost we'd still go on a date... if that's alright with you?" I said looking at him. 

He looked up at me, "Sounds lovely," He says smiling back at me. (Bro this is so sweet, im listening to sunsetz as I write this)

The rest of the day goes smoothly ~ 

We spent the rest of the day being stupid around the shopping centre until we heard the announcer.

"All shops closing in 5 minutes please leave the shopping centre!" The speaker spoke loudly. 

"Oh well that's our queue to leave I guess." Scaramouche said turning to face me.

"I guess so," I said looking at the floor, because I never wanted this day to end.

"What's wrong?" He asked turning his head to face me as we walked.

I leant against his shoulder, "I don't want the day to end," I sighed. 

"Who said it had to end?" He said, as I looked up he had a big grin on his face.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Did you wanna stay over in my apartment? We could watch a movie?" He suggested, before looking in the other direction.

"I don't have anything though." I said looking at my small ass bag. 

"Just wear my stuff, I mean you could just go naked instead." He said smirking.

"Shut up," I said nudging him. 

"So, imma take that as the second option." He said giggling.

"Whatever, dumbass." I said as I felt my face heat up. 

We walked together in silence for a couple of seconds before Scaramouche interrupted it.

"You didn't say no to the second option technically." 

"Didn't say no my ass," I said turning away dramatically.

"Whatever, well shall we." He said opening the door to the car dramatically. 

"You're special," I said giggling as I got in the car.

"I know," he said leaning his head closer to me as he got in the car.


Soon enough, we arrived at a fancy apartment complex. 

"Of course you live in a fancy ass apartment." I said rolling my eyes.

"You know you could live here too," He said as we turned into the drive way.

"You need to stop joking like this." I said turning away. (omggg y/n so quirkyyyy, 💀 i couldn't find another why to phrase it.)

"Im not joking though." He said before getting out of the car.


"woahhhhhhh," I said as Scaramouche opened the door to his apartment revealing his extremely nice apartment. "Damn you got some big ass windows," I said bluntly.

"Not as big as my-" Scaramouche said before I cut him off.

"NOOOOO!!!!" I said glaring at him jokingly.

"If you're gonna keep staring, you could take a picture like you did when you got your tattoo." He said smirking.

"Whatever," I replied before looking around his house like the nosy person I am. 

"Wait... You actually keep your room clean ish?" I said shocked as I opened the to reveal I mildly clean room.

"No, I just don't make a mess often." He said walking passed me into his room going towards the bathroom. "There's shirts and pants in drawers," He said pulling his shirt up to put it in the laundry (ಹ◡ಹ). 

"God damn," I muttered under my breath as Scaramouche put his shirt in the laundry basket.

"Y/n, stop staring and grab the clothes." He said calmly.

"WHAT HOW'D YOU KNOW U WEREN'T EVEN LOOKING AT ME. WAIT I MEAN ...  I am grabbing the clothes what are you talking about," I said, as I began rummaging through his draws.

"I hope you know that the drawers you are looking through do not contain what you are looking for." Scaramouche said as he walk towards me.

I turn to him and then quickly back to the drawer I was looking in, realising that it in fact didn't contain shirts or pants...

"Uhhh... oopies?" I said as I felt my face heat up. 

"Don't waste my time Y/n, look at the drawer next to it." He said before walking out of the room.

"Damn it Y/n!" I told myself as I opened the right drawer this time. How did I not realise it was his underwear drawer, now he probably thinks I'm a pervert. What if he doesn't want to take me on a date anymore!!!"

"Y/nn," Scaramouche called as he walked back into the room. "There's a towel in the guest bathroom, when you're ready to shower. Just hang the towel up when you're done."

"Uh okay.." I replied grabbing the clothes out and walking towards the guess bathroom.

Hi readerss

I wish you all luck if you are pulling for scaraboobies or itto.

I have gotten scara so, good luck

0-0 I apologise if this is a bit cringy. see you next chapterrrr.

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