Chapter Twenty-One: Brand New (Part Two) / "Do You?"

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I was interviewing Sista today for the show and I have to put on the BIGGEST front right now. I know these girls quite well thanks to DeVante, and they're gonna slay this industry. I know it! Chonita motioned for me to look out into the audience.

My jaw dropped open. The devil himself: DeVante motherfucking Swing!!! AAAUGH!!! Why? Just why did he have to be here? The girls could have done this without him. Not only is he jealous, but controlling too.

Me: We're gonna take a quick break! Hold tight!

I rolled my eyes and went over to the producer, LaFonz DePrintz.

Me: What the HELL is this, Fonz? Why is he here?

LaFonz: They're his group, he wanted to see them....and you.

Me: This can't be happening! I must be high because....

LaFonz: Just suck it up and work through it, it's okay. For the moment, at least.

I rolled my eyes and sat down. We were back on.

Me: Welcome back, here we have DeVante Swing, the musical mastermind of both Jodeci, Sista, and Swing Mob.

He tried to sit next to me, but I motioned for him to move. I don't want him anywhere near me!

Me: I want to see the girls, but you can sit in between whoever. This is about them, you know.

DeVante: Sure thing.Thanks for having me! I had to support my group and your show.

Me: Is that so?

DeVante: Yes. I'm really proud of my girls, they're going to do great things. With my leadership, they'll make it far. I know they will.

Me: What's in their future?

DeVante: Their debut album is coming out soon and we're still working on a follow-up to it.

Me: Okay. Sounds good! My boyfriend and I need some new music to keep that romance alive if you get my drift.

He half smiled. I loved fucking with his emotions. He wants to get over on me, I'll do it right back.

Me: That's all the time we have today! Catch us next week, peace and hair grease!

I cleared my throat and that was it for the show. On camera, anyways. It's going down backstage. After speaking to Sista for a few minutes, I walked back to my dressing room, opened it and ran water for my shower. (When you move up, you get a private bathroom in your room). I took off my clothes, stepped in the shower and washed my body. I was so lost in the steamy water that I could barely hear the door open.

Me: were right, those Prada pumps gave me LIFE!!!

No answer.

Suspicious, I turned off the water and wiping off steam there was DeVante looking back at me!


DeVante: Stop, stop screaming! Shhh! I just wanna talk!

M e: Okay....just let me get dressed. How did you get in here!? I don't want to know. Just...go wait.

This is deja vu all over again except I'm not turned on at all. I put on a robe and met a waiting DeVante on the couch.

Me: What do you want, DeVante Swing?

DeVante: Listen. I know you're caught off guard with me being here, but I needed to see you.

Me: And a therapist too!

DeVante: Are you going to listen or not?

I sighed.

DeVante: I've been doing a lot of thinking. I have. You were right. I'm jealous and the reason for this is because I'm scared. I'm scared that you'll forget the promise we made as kids. How we'd always be there for each other no matter what! I lie to myself saying that I'm good without you but I'm worthless. I just need another chance. I need help, but I need you with me baby.

I knew he meant every word. But why didn't he say this before?

Me: There's some sincerity in there, but I need to know that you're serious and that you really mean it. Do you?

DeVante: You know I do. I wouldn't have snuck in here if I didn't.

We both laughed. I pulled him into a kiss and we hugged.

Me: You are the biggest jackass.

DeVante: But you love me.

Me: I do.

DeVante: I love you too. You know I do.

He examined my robe and smirked.

Me: No.

DeVante: But I've been a bad boy. I need to be punished.

Me: That's the point. Now sit down and wait for me to get dressed.

What am I going to do with him???

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