Part 2

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So a month passed. Xania and Irishka suddenly got into a position and, together with Xana's husband, arranged loud whispering every time, discussing us. I was terribly mad about it, and She was upset.

Once Irishka said that she didn't suit me. I, with difficulty suppressing an outburst of rage, asked why. She said that if Mom had been alive, she would not have allowed some Jew to live in our apartment. I froze, digesting what was said. Then he came close to her, clenching his fists, and told Her very calmly that this did not concern them and it would be good for someone to do their own business, and not to meddle in someone else's.

After that, the apartment turned into a battlefield. The refrigerators were separated, the dishes were taken away from us. She hardly ever left our room. We tried not to show up at home much and often stayed overnight with friends.

She said a couple of times that it makes sense for Her to go home and not aggravate. I calmed Her down, promised that everything would get better, but it didn't get better.

In the end, Xanja, screwed up by relatives, threw a tantrum. Her father unexpectedly joined Her, practically kicking Her out of the house.

She, after listening to a lot of abominations in her address, smiled, thanked for the warm welcome, packed her things and we left. My father shouted after us that he would not tolerate any women of indecent behavior spending the night in his apartment and in general he would call the police. I jumped up to him, shook him furiously by the shoulders:

"Shut up, you old idiot! What are you talking about?

The sisters screamed. My father took my hands away. He was all red. My father, who had never raised his voice at me in his life, was talking such nonsense... I looked at them:

- How? Yes, what the fuck is wrong with you...What's going on I don't understand?

I was in shock, but I tried not to show it. We went to Trofimych's. She was silent all the way and I was scared. I hugged Her and kissed Her on the forehead:

- I'm sorry, baby, I do not know what happened to them...

She laughed, but it was a terrible laugh:

- Nothing new! Everything is as usual! Zhidovka, get out!

She threw back her head and laughed even louder. People were already looking back at us.

- I love you.

She looked at me intently:

- For how long? After all, they are your family and that's the end of it. You'll get tired of it soon. So let's stop everything now.

I looked at Her angrily:

- What are you talking about?

I took her firmly by the chin:

- I've already told you that you are the most important thing to me. I'll decide everything.

She kissed my palm and grinned:

- You can't change people, my dear...

I squeezed Her hands tightly: they were like ice:

"This is my house, too. I'll talk to them.

She shook her head:

- I don't want to, don't...

I pressed my face against Her:

- I do not know what you had before, but I will not leave you. This is all some kind of nonsense, nonsense!

She smiled sadly:

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