Part 16

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In the middle of the night, I felt that She was not there. I jumped up in fear that She had left me again. I found Her sitting on the floor by the refrigerator. A jar of cucumbers stood between her legs.

I laughed:

- Little pickle eaters?

- Shhh... You'll wake Dad up...

- Yes, he won't wake up until morning. At least the cannons fell!

I sat down next to him:

- Is it delicious?

She was finishing the penultimate one:

- Don't mock me... I want cucumbers...

- Won't you feel bad?

- Ugh!

She clutched her stomach:

- I ate too much...

I took the jar from Her:

- Let's go to bed, glutton...

I laughed again. She kicked me lightly with her foot. I helped Her up and, pushing Her a little, followed Her into the room. She lay down against the wall:

- Hey, this is my place...

I tickled Her a little on the side. She giggled and crawled under the covers with her head.

- Well, zaya, I'm going to fall out of bed. You're always kicking me out.

She peeked out of the blanket a little and stuck her tongue out at me:

- Pregnant women cannot be refused...

I pulled the blanket off Her. She immediately got goosebumps. I gently stroked Her tummy, kissed her:

- Hey, baby...

She froze, but then smiled happily:

- He's just a baby...

- It doesn't matter. Hey, baby...

I kissed the tummy again, put my ear to it:

- Is anyone home?

Her stomach rumbled and we laughed.

- Well, he's already talking to me!

She ran her hands through my hair:

- And if it's a girl?

- No, son.

- We have only girls in the family...

I shook my head and lay down next to him:

- There will be a son Vanka or Kostya.

She put her fist under her cheek and turned to me:

- And if the daughter?

- OK. There will be a son, then a daughter.

She laughed:

- Wow, you've already planned everything out...

I kissed Her gently on the lips:

- of course. I want a lot of children from you and I hope that they will be your copy.

She lay down on her back:

"I'm going to get fat and grumpy with a bunch of kids...

I imagined it and laughed:

- Yes, it will be quite a sight...

She hit me on the bicep:

- Shameless!

I hugged Her, pressed my nose to her neck:

- What difference does it make what you become? They don't love you for that...

- Mmm, interesting... And why do you love me?

Her eyes glittered in the dark. I fidgeted:

- Well, the questions... I don't know, I haven't thought about it. Well, for example, a child... He will love us just like that, and so will we. This... I don't know, unconditional love...

I laughed and put my hand on Her pubis:

- Well, and for something else...

She caught my hand, put it on her stomach:

- thanks... That's the best thing I've ever heard in my life. Truth...

I ran my fingertips over Her face:

- Well, maybe also for making me better... I've never loved anyone like that.

I began to kiss Her neck:

- And I didn't want anyone so much...

I've already caressed her breasts:

- And I want to fuck you all the time...

- so...

She took my hand away and covered herself with a blanket up to her neck:

- And why fuck? It's kind of rude... Making love, for example?

I fell on my back, putting my hands under my head:

- Pfft... Why do you always have to look for an explanation for everything? What's wrong with that? You didn't seem to mind the word fuck before? You like it when I say that. I'm not saying I want you to... you. That's really rude. And so fucking is considered the highest category of lovemaking.

She laughed:

- Do you always have an answer to everything?

- of course. And anyway, in 30 years I will become fat and bald. I won't have anything to stand on anymore and you and I will make love sluggishly once every three months in a missionary position.

She laughed:

- Mommies, no and no! You will never be bald and fat.

She was stroking my chest:

- No, you will always be young and beautiful. Sexy macho...

She laughed. I stood up:

- What kind of sexy macho?

She wiped away her tears:

"That's what Larka called you. She said you were sexy.

- What a tin.. It's all your fault with your torn jeans...

I kissed Her shoulder:

- Let's go to sleep...

She looked at me sleepily, perched on my shoulder:

- And to fool around?

- Sleep, cucumber soul...

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