Part 18

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I woke up from the cold. For some reason I was sitting in a chair on the balcony completely naked. I couldn't remember how I got here. I got up, tooth on tooth did not fall. I almost fell, catching my foot on an empty brandy bottle. I tried to remember something, but I couldn't.

My head was buzzing terribly and any movement was difficult. I went into the kitchen and drank tap water for a long time.

After going to the toilet, I went to bed and immediately fell asleep.

I woke up well after noon. I lay there for a long time and stared at the ceiling. My head was spinning. I got up with difficulty and realized that I didn't see Her next to me. She wasn't in the whole apartment. Then I remembered that she had to be at work.

I took a shower, stood under cold water for a long time. I was trying to remember something. My head was empty. He stomped into the kitchen. There was a boiled borscht on the stove. When did you just have time? I ate at least two plates. I was terribly hungry. My head felt much easier.

I was wondering if I had done something yesterday. Because it is unlikely that She will pat me on the head for cognac.

I went to Her place of work. I was in a kind of stupor. I barely made it to the store and saw that She was standing on the street with Serega. He put His arm around Her shoulders and said something, and She laughed. She was so happy.

I stopped. I didn't know what to say or how to behave, given that I didn't remember last night at all.

She saw me. Seryozha waved his hand at me and went to the subway.

We stood facing each other: I was silent and so was She. I lit a cigarette. She didn't know where to put her eyes and looked away.

I slowly walked up to Her, stood next to Her:

- So we will be silent?

She shrugged her shoulders:

- I do not know what to say. Can you explain to me what happened to you yesterday?

She was calm. I expected Her to be angry, furious. Anything, but not this indifferent calm.

I put my hands in my pockets and shrugged:

- I don't remember. I woke up today on the balcony. I do not know how I got there. That's the way things are...

She was smoothing out the creases on her coat. I went up to Her, hesitantly took Her hand in mine:

- Did I do something yesterday? I'm sorry, I really don't remember anything.

- Wait, I'll pack my things now and we'll talk.

She disappeared into the store. A couple of minutes later she came out with a backpack. I slung it over my shoulder. He took Her hand. She didn't pull It out-that was a good sign.

We walked in silence to the General's Office, sat down on a bench. I lit a cigarette. She wasn't looking at me. The wind ruffled Her hair. She tried to put them behind her ears, but they immediately came out and stubbornly climbed into Her eyes.

- Can I tell you first?

She nodded, still looking at her hands.

- I got drunk. I apologize for this. But apparently something else happened? I really don't remember anything. Sorry.

She was very upset, but she remained silent. It was not usual. We always fought after my spree: She was yelling at me, and I was yelling back. They ran to different rooms, slamming doors in rage. Then I fucked Her to distraction and we made up. Trofimych was always laughing at us, who quite often witnessed our showdowns. He called us the "Italian family."

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