The contract

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Aditi's pov

"Oh my god! He said he is going to marry me!" My consy jumped.

"Its me not you" i told which she replaid with a scoff.

"Whatever! You dont want him so let me take him?" Pleaachh"
" can you do me a favour? Shut the fuck up!"

"Hey! Dont zone out when I'm talking !" Here came the devils voice.

"I didn't! Just reduce your voice i can hear you" i said.

He sighed and continue. "So what do you say? Ready for the deal?

"What deal?" I asked and regretted. Just now i told him i didnt zone out and here im now asking him what he was talking about. Shit.

"Told ya. You were zone out" he sighed. He is very short tempered.

And rude!




Wait what? Shut up stupid consy!

"Shushhh! Just fill me" i said stopping his blabbering.

"I said lets get married " he said calmly.

"Really?" I asked for conformation
"Don't get your hopes high Mrs. Sharma. We are marrying infront of the world not in real"
"Wha... Wait you mean a contract marriage?" I asked disbelief. I mean is he really that desperate to marry me just for his grandpa's company? Oh how i know, well today morning my mom and his mom made a call end i being me do eavesdropping.

"Seems like the wheels in your brain are still working" he replaid. Arrogant

"In that case we need a real contract following rules." I said. I call for a waiter and asked a pen and paper. But before i can write something that rude ceo through a file staight front if me. Rude!

I took the file and go through it. My eyes jumped out of my face as i read the last part.
"1 cr.?!!!" I asked out loud. I cant beleive this! If i breach this contract i have to pay him  1 cr. Indian rupees?!

" yes 1 cr." He said blatantly. This guy ia unbelievable.

"So agreed? " he was impatient but i dont care. I read through the contract and read the rules.

"I will help you" he said. " this contract says that we will be married legally for 1 yr.  In this period of time both the party should be loyal to each other. We will move to new york after one week of our marriage because 'my' company  is set up there. There, you can live your life and you wont disturb nor i will disturb you. You can't see boys at my home. Do the dirty thing outside."

"Im not that kind of girl!" I glared at him. Really? What does he think of me?.

"You have to accompany me to every events and bas to 'obey' me."

I dont like the way he is enphasising the words.

'But he is hot'

'Yet rude!'
'You hate him dont yoi? '
'To the core'

"So you agree?" He asked disturbing my conversation with my consy.

"I.... I agree" he said.
"Great". He stand up and started to go not before saying

"Our marriage will be in two days. See at the wedding, sweety"

The next chapter is out!

Im so happy and thqnk you to each and everyone who voted and even read my story. It means a lot to me.

Anyways, our shivadi is gettting married!

But in 2 days?!

Lots of love❤️❤️

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