July 28

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It's funny. It's really easy to lose things in here, even though all the furniture you have is a bed, and if  you are lucky, an end table.

July 30

There is a guard there, everyone calls Mr. Cookie. Because he always has cookies. He is the only guard who ever had food on them when it's not food time.

August 1

Today we were let out, and I got to meet people my age. They are just as confused as we are. I am 11, and so are the kids I met.

August 1, later

I'm back in my "room". The guards call them rooms but I think they are cells. I really wanna go home. I miss my dog.

August 2

It's really hard to know what day it is around here. Mostly everyone doesn't  know what day it is, but me. I write the date in my journal, and when we get let out, everyone asks me what day it is.

August 2 later

We got let out, but someone beat me up. He said I was sneaking food, but I'm not! IM NOT!
This place gets to you, it really does. I need to say my name over and over, or else I forget. My name is Rarity. Rarity. Rarity.

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