Wearing each others clothes- Natasha

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Months ago Natasha had revealed to you that her upbringing hadn't afforded her the opportunity to experience normal things a child would get to during holidays. And though you knew that, because what trained assassin gets to go carve pumpkins, go trick or treating, eat a turkey, decorate a tree or exchange presents. You also knew that for her to bring it up with you meant that it was something she actually did want to experience.

So now that it's finally the first of October you were getting ready to take her to the nearest pumpkin patch. You couldn't wait to watch her enjoy one of the many fall time festivities she isn't accustomed to.

You're finishing up getting ready when you hear her exit the bathroom, "Ready detka(baby)?"

"Almost. Just have to grab my jacket." you reply, quickly making your way to your closet, "Ok. I'm ready."

She nods and grabs your hand, practically dragging you down the hallway and into the elevator. Only once inside does she take notice of the leather jacket you're wearing and a smug smirk takes over her features. When you notice her expression your brows furrow in confusion.

"Whats with you?" you ask, a small smile of your own on your lips, "You look happy, and not about the pumpkins."

She chuckles at your statement, eyes raking over your body as she bites her lower lip. Her reaction only confuses you further and you can't help but tilt your head at her, asking a question without words.

"That's not your jacket detka(baby), it's mine." she says smiling wide, "And you look so damn good in it."

Before you can say anything she's cupping your face, kissing you softly as her nose bumps against your own. She can't help but smile when she feels you kissing back as your hands wrap around her waist. She pulls away to rest her forehead against yours and you smile, admiring the look of pure adoration in her eyes.

"I should wear your jackets more often if that's the response I'll get."

She chuckles, "Maybe you should."

After a few more seconds the elevator doors open and she swiftly leads you over to her corvette. You hop behind the wheel and start driving as she turns the radio on. She smiles, resting her hand on your thigh as you begin making your way out of the city.

She watches out the window as the city buildings begin to turn into fields and trees. You both enjoy the sight of the trees, multicolored leaves now filling them out instead of the normal green ones.

Eventually you pull into the gravel parking lot of the pumpkin patch and excitement is practically rolling off her in waves. It's adorable, and the smile on her face is nothing short of breathtaking. Once you get out of the car you grab her hand, lacing your fingers with her own before gesturing for her to lead the way. Today was all about her afterall so you were more than content to let her lead so she could adequately explore everything she wanted to.

After walking around the field for a while, taking in the gourds of various shapes and sizes, she comes to find an adorably small one. She places it in the palm of her hand and turns to you with a smile, obviously finding it as adorable as you find her. You chuckle at her, quickly grabbing your phone.

"Hang on, let me take a picture."

She stays still for you, and you snap a couple. As you review them you finally notice the color and pattern of the shirt that shows through where her jacket's zipper has slid down a bit and you can't help but smile wider.

"What?" she asks, thinking maybe you were just holding back a laugh because she blinked or something

You walk over to her, pointing at her chest where your shirt is visible, "You're wearing my flannel shirt."

A slight blush covers her cheeks, "I noticed Clint always wears a lot of flannel in the fall, but I didn't have any. So I borrowed yours."

"Well, I would offer to take you shopping for your own, but I rather like the way you look in mine." you admit

"Yeah?" she asks, blushing even more

You nod as you wrap your arms around her waist, "You look beautiful baby."

She leans forward, resting her forehead against yours as she smiles, wrapping her arms around your neck to keep you close, "Maybe I'll take a few more of your shirts then."

You laugh, "Please do."

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