Kiss for good luck- Natasha

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"May the best woman win, kotenok(kitten)." Natasha says with a smirk as she finishes loading up her rifle

"I think I might need a good luck charm. I mean look at you guys." you say gesturing to her, Clint, Steve, Maria and Sam, "You look ready for an actual mission, not a game of paintball."

She chuckles, "Well, your team looks pretty battle ready themselves"

You turn and look at Kate, Sharon, Bucky and Yelena as they finish putting their padded armor on, "Yeah, I guess they do look pretty formidable, don't they?"

"They do." she replies, "And so do you."

You smile, "You're just saying that to make me feel better."

"If I wanted to make you feel better, I'd do this" she tells you before grabbing the back of your neck and pulling you into a kiss, "Good luck"

She winks before walking away, swaying her hips to tease you. You shake your head with a smile before turning back to your team to go over a strategy.

You go over your strategy at least three times to make sure everyone memorizes it, and then you all finish gearing up. Both of your teams head out onto the battlefield to get into your starting locations. After about a minute Tony's repulsor blast goes off signaling that it was time to start.

You keep your guard up and attune your senses as best you can. You know Natasha well, so you know her plan for her team will include utilizing stealth. Clint and Maria will absolutely be good at that, but you're a bit more unsure about the star spangled boys. You knew Steve had a flair for the dramatic and was practically a human wrecking ball in battle, and Sam usually followed his lead without a second thought. You anticipated you'd easily hear the two of them coming.

Proving your point a stick suddenly breaks from behind your group. You turn around to see Maria and Sam standing there, a look of fear on his face as the woman glass daggers at him. Your team manages to take them down, but it costs you Kate. She of course protected Yelena to the end.

A while later, after taking some enemy ground your attention moves to a tree as you see a glint of light. Unfortunately you spot him too late and Sharon falls to the ground with a large paint splatter marking her chest. The rest of you take cover and Yelena is quick to get the offender in her rifles sights. Clint falls out of the tree with an shout, and Bucky high fives the blonde.

The three of you continue on but stop when you hear the thundering of boots coming your way. You smile with a shake of your head as you see Steve practically charging at the three of you. Bucky steps forward when hes see him

"Don't worry. I can handle him."

You and Yelena eye eachother then shrug, allowing him to carry on. You both watch as the men expertly dodge each other's shots and punches, each of them being able to anticipate the others moves easily. After almost five minutes the fight between the two friends ends up ending in a tie, and Yelena can't help but smirk at you.

"Come on Y/n, let's go find my sestra(sister)."

You both tread lightly, heads practically on a swivel as you attempt to track down the redhead. You have no doubt she's been there the entire time though, near enough her team members that approached you all so she could study your fighting techniques so she could save that valuable info for later. Also making things more difficult was the fact that her bright red hair that normally made her stand out was now something that easily blended into the background of the fall forest.

"She's near" Yelena suddenly speaks up

Your brows furrow, "How can you possibly know that?"

"A sister's intuition. Or a spys." she shrugs

Suddenly the blonde stumbles forward clutching her paint covered shoulder and you quickly dive for cover. You can hear the distinct sound of a pistol being reloaded and you try not to chuckle as you hear Yelena grumbling.

"Suka(bitch), that hurt."

Natasha absentmindedly chuckles at her sister, momentarily forgetting that you were still out there. And now you know her location. You stand, aiming your rifle in her direction and pull the trigger.

Everything goes silent as two pairs of green eyes stare at you in awe. You did it, you managed to hit Natasha Romanoff, The Black Widow. You won. Yelena shouts in victory, rushing over to hug you

Your girlfriend smirks, "Shouldn't have given you that lucky kiss."

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