Reunion- Natasha

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When you walked in you found Natasha sitting on the sofa, her back facing you as she held a cup of coffee in her hands. Her fiery hair is in a loose bun and small stands fall to frame her face, making her look incredibly ethereal in the morning light.

She's softly humming under her breath, a calming Russian tune you've heard before, though you're not sure you were meant to hear it. She sings it to Liho in soft moments. Times when you're not around, or at least not in the same room. Your eyes immediately start looking for the cat.

You spot her across from Nat on the floor, stretched across a patch of sunlight to soak up its warmth with not a care in the world. As you gently set your bag down however, her interest is caught. She suddenly sits up, looking intently in your direction, which of course, Natasha is quick to pick up on.

She turns to the door and smiles upon seeing you. Then before you can even blink she's vaulting over the back of the couch and running towards you. Luckily you're used to this and know her next move and you catch her as she jumps into your waiting arms.

"I missed you, kotenok(kitten)" she admits, nuzzling her face against your neck

"Missed you too, Tasha" you reply, placing a kiss on her cheek. Your attention is removed from her briefly as you feel something rub against your leg. You glance down to see Liho looking up at you, greeting you with a meow, "And you too, Liho"

Nat chuckles, glancing down at her black cat before looking back at you. Her hands softly cup your face, and you eagerly give into what she wants. Wordlessly you connect your lips to hers, sighing contently as she deepens the kiss. You melt into her embrace, forgetting all about your post mission stress and sore muscles. All thoughts and senses are solely focussed on your girlfriend, and knowing she's succeeded in this she pulls away from you with a smile.

"Come on, let's get you into something comfortable" she tells you, grabbing your hand to pull you towards the bedroom.

She has you sit on the edge of the bed, kissing your forehead before heading off to grab you an outfit. She quickly returns with a pair of your sweatpants and a shirt of her own, and hands them to you with a shy smile. You smile back, admiring the slight blush on her cheeks as you take the clothes. You set them on the bed before standing, beginning to strip yourself of your mission gear.

Natashas brows furrow as your torso becomes bare, allowing her to see the few minor scrapes and bruises that litter your skin. She carefully places her hand against your ribcage, gaining your attention and stopping you from putting on the new shirt. You look at her, only to find her concerned eyes searching your face for signs of discomfort or distress.

You offer her a smile and she takes this as her queue to wrap her arms around you once more. She rests her head against your chest, listening to your heartbeat to reassure herself that you're here and you're ok.

"I'm alright baby." you whisper against her hairline, "I promise."

She nods, releasing you after a few moments to allow you to finish getting comfortable. Once you're redressed you reach out a hand and she eagerly grabs ahold, lacing her fingers with yours as you both walk back out to the living room. She practically pulls you down on top of her as she sits back down on the couch.

You settle into her lap and she pulls you even closer, letting your head rest against her shoulder. You relax into her embrace and sigh as her fingers gently run through your hair, caressing your scalp lovingly.

From her spot on the windowsill Liho meows, complaining that she wasn't let in on the current cuddle session you and your girlfriend are having. You can feel the couch cushion next to you move as the cat jumps up, and her head softly pushes into your side in an effort to gain your attention. But when that doesn't work she resorts to meowing as loudly as she can.

"Ty razdrazhayushchiy malen'kiy rebenok, ty znayesh' eto?(you are an annoying little baby you know that?)" Natasha mumbles, her tone slightly higher than her usual one as she speaks to the cat, "Mogu ya ne imet' pyat' minut s ney dlya sebya?(Can I not have five minutes of her to myself?)"

As if replying to your girlfriend's questions, Liho meows again before jumping onto the back of the couch. She rubs herself against the top of your head and then Natashas. The Russian grumbles, glaring at the cat for interrupting her time with you, but a kiss to her cheek from you quickly melts the annoyance from her face.

"Don't be so grumpy Tasha, Liho just wants cuddles too."

"Fineee." She huffs, patting a spot on her lap that you aren't taking up, "Come here then"

The cat chirps happily, quickly hopping down. She purrs as she makes herself comfortable on your girlfriend's lap and lays down with her back against your side. You smile, content to feel completely at ease, back at home where you belong with your two favorite girls.

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