Candles, lanterns, fairy lights- Wanda

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 "Malysh(baby)?" Wanda questions as she sees you standing there holding a towel and two robes while trying to hand her her own swimsuit, "Why are you in your bathing suit? We can't possibly go swimming this time of year, we'll freeze."

"We won't be going swimming my love."

Despite the way you term of endearment causes her heart to swell with warmth, her head tilts as her eyebrows furrow, confusion clearly written on her features and you can't help but chuckle at the adorable way your girlfriends nose scrunches slightly

"If we aren't swimming, then why- "

"Do you trust me?" you ask, cutting off her question

"You know I do." she scoffs

You smile, "Then just put the swimsuit on and let me handle things."

She eyes you curiously but grabs her swimsuit from you regardless. You smile happily as she walks off to the bathroom to change. You'd been working hard to keep this surprise from her, and you definitely owed Tony a steak dinner for his approval and help with the idea.

When she comes out from the bathroom in her swimsuit you can't help but let your eyes wander over her body. You've been dating Wanda for nearly three years at this point, but you're certain the sight of her beautiful toned body would always have this effect on you.

She blushes slightly, likely having heard thoughts, "You going to stare at me all night malysh(baby), or are we going to do whatever it is you have planned."

"Sorry" you mumble, a blush of your own settling across your cheeks as you hand her her robe and put on your own.

She smiles, giving your cheek a kiss, "It's fine, I think it's adorable when all you do is stare. Can't even form words when looking at your girlfriend."

You glare at her, "If you keep teasing me we aren't going anywhere."

"Ok, ok. I'm sorry." she chuckles, kissing your cheek again

"That's better." you tease with a smirk causing her to roll her eyes at you playfully, "Ok, lets go."

She grabs your hand, lacing her fingers with yours as you lead her down the hallway and to the elevator. Once inside you can practically see the gears turning in her head as you hit the button to the roof instead of the ground floor that has access to the pool. And when the elevator arrives and its doors open you quickly stop your girlfriend from exiting.

"Close your eyes for me, my love."

She rolls her eyes again, but based on her large smile you know she's really excited to see what you have planned. She does as she's told, closing her eyes and placing one of her hands over them so you don't have to worry about the possibility of her peeking. Satisfied with this you grab her other hand and carefully lead her out onto the roof.

When you get close enough to your surprise you stop walking, and content with our work you can't help but smile a bit before you turn your attention back onto your girlfriend.

"Ok Wans, open your eyes."

When she does so, the sight she's met with is breathtaking. Situated under a cute little gazebo is a brand new jacuzzi, and all around the gazebo are fairy lights, candles and lanterns of various sizes and colors. They add just enough light to make the atmosphere cozy and romantic. Her heart swells and her smile grows as she realizes how much effort was put into this.

"Oh malysh(baby), you did all this for me?" she asks in awe as she approaches the jacuzzi.

"Of course I did." you reply, looping your arms around her waist, "We deserve a relaxing night together."

She smiles, "I love you so much."

"I love you too" you reply, kissing her softly, "Now what do you say we try this thing out hm?"

"Sounds like a good idea."

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