Shooting Stars- WandaNat

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You're laying on your back on a blanket in the middle of a field, on either side of you lay your girlfriends, Wanda and Natasha. This was something you often did with them. It was easy to relax with just the two of them by your side and you knew they felt the same. Plus you've loved the stars and really anything to do with space since you were young and the two women loved to hear you talk about such things, so it was only natural that stargazing became a recurring date night for the three of you.

But tonight was a bit more special, because you'd been paying close attention to NASAs website and tweets, so you knew there'd be shooting stars tonight. And honestly you couldn't wait to see them, or share that experience with the two women you loved. And despite it being fall you knew you couldn't pass this opportunity up.

At first when you had proposed the idea the two women had protested, thinking the night would be too cold to enjoy such a thing but when you reminded them that they both came from rather cold Eastern European countries and that you'd all be fine as long as you wore sweatpants, sweatshirts and brought extra blankets just in case. After that, they had agreed and you'd practically dragged them to get ready.

"Detka(baby), which one is that again?" Natasha asks, pointing at one of the constellations

You smile as you watch her finger trace the shape she remembers you once showing her, "That's Draco, the dragon. He's a circumpolar constellation, which means we can see him year round."

"Are there any new ones we can't see year round?" Wanda asks

You nod, "There are a few we can see the best October. There's Pegasus, right there. And over here is Grus, the crane. Oh, and we can't forget Lacerta the lizard."

Both women smile as they listen to you, watching your hand as you point out and trace each one of the shapes for them to be able to see the creatures the stars make up properly.

"And that ones the giraffe right?"

"Yes, Camelopardalis. Good job sweetie." You reply, causing Wanda to beam in her excitement of having remembered one of the less popular formations

"It's also a circumpolar constellation, right?" Natasha asks

"It is indeed, good job, baby." you praise, causing her to smile at you as well

Suddenly, before you or Nat can say anything more Wanda's hands are clutching at your arm and she nearly shouts in your ear, "Did you guys see that?!"

You do your best to hide your smile as Natasha looks at her with furrowed brows, "See what dorogoy(sweetheart)?"

"I could have sworn I saw- there!" Wanda exclaims while pointing

Natasha quickly looks to where she's pointing, and her eyes grow wide as she sees at least three trails of light trailing across the sky. Once they fade from view both woman turn to look at you.

"Shooting stars" Wanda breathes out, excited to get to see some in person and not on one of her shows or just some scientists pictures online

"You knew, didn't you?" Nat asks, already knowing the answer

"That's why you wanted us to come out here so badly." Wanda adds

You nod, "I knew. I thought the two of you would like to see them"

"Thank you so much detka(baby)" Wanda says, scooting closer to cuddle you, leaning her head on your shoulder

Natasha mimics her, also shifting closer to rest her head on your opposite shoulder, "They're beautiful"

"Yeah, they are." you reply, but you weren't looking at the stars anymore. You were looking at the women that owned your heart, "So incredibly beautiful." 

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