First Dance- WandaNat

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The warm lighting of the party creates a cozy atmosphere, and it's a vast difference to the parties Tony would normally throw. For one thing it was a small gathering. Only the team members, their families and a few SHIELD Agents that worked closely with the heroes were in attendance. And secondly, the music wasn't obscene. It was a softer, calmer playlist to fit the mood better, and it wasn't blasting through the entire room. It was playing closer to the bar area instead, letting there be two separate areas for the functions.

Most of the team is already there by the time you arrive. They're gathered by one of the fireplaces, which you doubt has ever even been used before today. The crackling of the wood and smell of smoke only further adds to the party's atmosphere, which is already filled by the smell of apples and pumpkins as mixed drinks and various pastries are passed about.

You had to hand it to Tony, even though a Fall Harvest themed gathering was a new occurrence, it did look like everyone was enjoying themselves. And the smiles that adorned the faces of the two women you recently had the pleasure to call your girlfriends made showing up worth it.

Thor is the first to greet you. He smiles wide and hands you a drink of some kind that smells like fresh apple pie, "Lady Y/l/n!! It is good to see you!"

"Good to see you too Thor." you greet, before your gaze moves to the Sokovian that's giving you outstretched grabby hands

You move around the God and over to the sofa where your girls are and you take a seat between them.

"Hi detka(baby)" Natasha greets as Wanda's arms wrap around your waist

You smile, pulling them both closer, "Hi Tasha, Wans."

The three of you continue to sit there for about another hour, listening to the conversations around you as you share your drinks and fall time treats with one another. Wanda had made some Tikvenik, an Eastern European treat made up of dough, ground walnuts, grated pumpkin and cinnamon. You and Natasha had been highly enjoying it while the others had stuck with more of the American treats that Steve and Bucky had been eating like it was the last time they'd have the pleasure of doing so.

Next to you, Natasha sit up slightly and stretches, "I'm going to get another drink, do either of you need anything?"

You shake your head no but Wanda stirs next to you, "I do, but unfortunately you can't use the bathroom for me. So I'll go with you."

They intertwine their hands and head off towards the other side of the room, you watch them with a smile on your face for a few seconds more before turning your attention back to the others around you.

After a few minutes pass your attention is stolen away from the gathering as the quick patter of footsteps near you. You turn in time to see Wanda quickly approaching you, and had it not been for the smile on her face as she reaches out for your hand, you would have been worried something had happened.

"Malysh(baby)!" she exclaims, "Please come with me over to Tasha."

You chuckle and nod, letting her enthusiastically pull you onto your feet. She leads you towards your other girlfriend and you can't help but smile as you watch the Russian softly sway in place as she waits for you both.

Once you reach her, she smiles just as widely as Wanda had and she gets even closer. She loops an ar, around each of your waists and the Sokovian does the same. Though you're slightly confused by what had prompted this, you certainly aren't complaining. You treasure moments spent with them, and this one would certainly be one to remember.

You sway with them for a bit, and listen when Wanda begins to hum along to the tune. The song must be a favorite of hers. You wonder if dancing to it had been her idea or Nats, who is now pulling back to be able to look at your face.

"This song" Natasha says, breaking the peaceful silence, "Was playing when I first asked Wanda to dance with me after she agreed to be my girlfriend. It only felt right that it should be the one we danced to with you for the first time too."

You smile, now understanding why it's a favorite song of Wandas, it's sure to be a favorite of yours now too.

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