Love Language- WandaNat

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After you return to your room after your nearly two week long mission, your first order of business is to greet your two girlfriends. And your second was to shower, you desperately needed the hot water to relax your muscles.

As soon as the door to your shared room is opened Wanda practically tackles you. You laugh as she wraps her arms around your neck, nuzzling her face into you. Your arms quickly wrap around her waist.

"Hi baby" You greet, kissing her forehead

"Hi dorogoy(sweetheart), we missed you."

"I missed you guys too. " you reply

After a few more moments she lets you go, but you quickly cup her face and give her a soft yet passionate kiss. You let her go only for Natasha to take her place, wrapping her arms around you as she rests her head on your shoulder.

"Hi krasivaya(beautiful), It's good to have you home."

"It's good to be home." you admit, sinking further into her embrace

Eventually she pulls back, allowing you to cup her face and kiss her as well. She smiles as you pull her and then Wanda against you in a strong hug. And the brunette lets out a giggle as you squeeze them.

"As much as I'd love to keep standing here holding you both, I desperately need a shower." you announce as you pull back from them. You smile as you hear Wandas whine of displeasure and see the frown on Natashas face, "Don't be upset my loves, I won't be long at all. Why don't the two of you get comfy in bed with a show or movie while you wait for me?"

They nod in agreement, moving back over to the bed as you grab your change of clothes. You quickly head for the bathroom, not wanting to keep your girlfriends waiting and also not being able to wait long yourself. Your fairly certain its the fastest shower you've taken since your SHIELD days and you easily find yourself dressed and heading out of the bathroom in mere minutes, not even caring that your washed hair wasn't dried all the way.

You smile as you see both women resting their backs against the headboard, their eyes glued to an episode of Bewitched they've most certainly seen dozens of times by now. Your smile widens as you see they left a space for you, right in the middle of them.

"Wow Y/n, that was fast. You must've really missed us." Natasha says with a smirk

You roll your eyes, "Yeah, and I'm starting to wonder why I did."

"Hey!" Wanda buts in, "I haven't even done anything, how is that fair?"

You and Nat chuckle at her outburst as you crawl over to your spot. You relax with a sigh, looping one arm around Wandas waist, pulling her close as you do the same thing with your other arm and Natasha. They both lean into you, resting their heads against your shoulders as you hold them.

"I really did miss you both. A lot." You admit after a few moments of silence

"Oh dorogoy(sweetheart), we really missed you too. So much." Wanda replies, grabbing onto and squeezing your hand on her waist

Natasha nods in agreement, "You're never going away for that long again. At least not without us."

You chuckle, "I'm not sure if fury would approve that."

"Frankly, I don't care." she replies, "Where our girl goes, we go."

Wanda agrees, "We hate being away from you. We always worry"

"And we all know we're the best equipped to keep you safe. It's only fair we get paired with you from now on." Nat adds

You give both of them a kiss on the cheek that leaves them both smiling softly at you, "Well, I can't and certainly won't argue with that."

You all settle back into the sitcom, and as a few more hours pass you're happy to find both women relaxed fully into you. You knew that after so much time away they were in desperate need of this. Yes they had each other, but you were also their girlfriend and so they craved and needed it with you as well.

And you were always happy to give them what they needed. So you'd sit here all night to give Nat her quality time and Wan her physical touch, because as long as they were happy, you were happy too. And where else would you rather be?

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