Break-ups are the worst

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AN: Hi guys, hope you all well. I'm trying something different with the pov parts, so instead then putting: Y/N POV/BUCKY POV. I have decided to use bold writing at the beginning of a sentence/paragraph for the changes.

"Are you dumping me?" I shouted in shock. "W-What? Why?" I asked my two and half year boyfriend Nick, or should I say ex or dickhead. Whatever way you want to put it. 

"Y/n, You just too much, I supposed..." He shook his head and shrugs his shoulders. I don't say anything as I just annoyingly stare at him in shock. "It's not you, it's me. What am I supposed to say?" Nick calmly spoke. His entire outfit shows how much a complete dick he is, wearing sneakers, lazy jeans and a shirt whereas me, I'm dressed in a tight ass dress and high heels as he suggested that we dress up for the occasion.

"I don't fucking know the truth, maybe." I cry, shaking my head. 

Here we are having a full-blown break up in front of the most popular and expensive restaurant I could possibly find, because that's what he wanted. Because I'm the type of girl who has to make sure everything is perfect for him and I'm just as confused as the way he is acting right now.

"You want someone who would sweep you off your feet and..." He started to talk more bullshit but I immediately cut him off, swiping my hand in front of him.

"When did I say that? You do know that I literally have the Super serum in my veins, right now. Your skinny ass couldn't even pick up a pencil without me. I..." I take a deep breath and bite my lower lip before continuing. Take a deep breathe y/n. Remember Bruce's breathing techniques, if he can control his anger, so can you. Well, to be honest I could take this asshole down right here and now but the paperwork take so much time these days. 

"I have literally done everything you have ever asked for. I shaved my legs, my vagina, everywhere red rawr to be fucking perfect." I spat, counting them annoyingly off my fingers.

"I've brought stupid tight ass dresses because you told me I look like a stepford wife in my normal clothes, which I still don't understand that reference by the way." I expressive with hand gestures. "I've always found you the right restaurant, buying my own birthday and Christmas present... Oh, and my own fucking flowers on our anniversary, if I knew life would be this hard, I would've stayed with Hydra. So thank you for tonight, it gives everything a full eye opening experience." I snapped, moving myself away from him, before I damage his stupid smug face. I walk off and make my way back home. Home with the Avengers. How the hell am I going to get through all this crap? Dating in New York and being someone who's has the Super serum in them, is going to be a hell of a hard time. 

Meanwhile, on the other side of New York...

"You're late... Again." Sabrina sighed, rubbing her head. She stood outside the restaurant all dressed up to the high heavens, in her tight red dress, tanned legs and bright red high heels. Her hair and nails looks as if she's been in the saloon all day.

"I'm sorry, work took a lot longer than I thought it would." I softly close my eyes and reopen them as I try to explain.

"I think..." She exhales heavily. "...We need to take a break, Bucky." She carefully turns to me as she clutches her bag and as a patronizing gesture she places a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you serious? I've brought you flowers to apologies, It's not my fault that I got caught up with work." I said, showing Sabrina the beautiful bouquet of flowers that I ordered from one of Sam's friends in case of emergencies and knowing damn well I was going to be late from saving the fucking world... Again.

"Maybe you should care a little bit less about work than your girlfriend," She snarled, removing her hand off me and flinging the flowers back to my chest

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