We should totally...

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After a few hours 

Y/n and I ate, drank and talking crap about our dumpers to talking random crap about romantic movies and books.

"Mmm, Why don't romantic movies have a movie on what happens after the big kiss, the wedding or whatever?" Y/n ask as she swallow down some beer with her legs crossed underneath her blanket.

"They do doll, it's called porn." I nodded with a little chuckle.

"God, I miss sex. Nick was so weird about it. We could only have it once a month like he was some werewolf. Honestly, I think he had other women." She lean her head back facing me.

"Then why did you stay?" I ask and take a big sip of beer.

"Because I'm stupid, Buck.... Clearly." She close her eyes for a few second longer.

"No, you're not. He's stupid in letting someone like you go." I held her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze for a while before removing my hand from her in deep thought.

Only if she could see how I see her. Someone who's capable in doing anything that set in her path. Y/n and I met ten years after I was taken in and turned into the Winter Soldier. She never shown, she was scared but I could always sense she was, or when she was happy, sad and excited. It how we bonded after all these years there and all the years after. We've been so close, connected by the hip others may say. Especially Steve. Maybe he's a little jealous of our friendship. Without her, I wouldn't have survive all those times with Hydra on what they put us through. 

She's my best friend, My rock...

"Sometimes you need it, you know." She said, pulling me out of my thoughts. "To relax like smoking, gaming or..."

"Drinking." I added, clinking our bottles together.

"Exactly, it's like cracking your back just in the right place." She said chef kissing her fingers.

"Yeah, but why so many complications?"  I turn my head to her as a lay back.

"And emotion," She added.

"The guilt. It's women fault." I shrugged.

"Excuse me, Mr 'I was raised in 1930's and had any and every woman I want,'" She raised her eyebrows.

"How di... Steve." I groan.

"Steve." She replied as I spoke Steve name, taking a drink of beer. "You're not the only friend he talks to and anyway you guys are no better." She then proceed to clear her throat and changes her voice, to a much deeper one. "Oh harder, faster... Oh, slow down... Urgggg I'm done, how was it."

"Okay? Who the hell you've been with? Was that how Nick sounds like in bed? Woo, You dodge a bullet there, doll." I laugh and she starts giggling as she takes a sip. "So, he does sound like that, why does he put us men to shame."

"You know what we should do, Bucky?" She carries on giggling. Oh no here comes the slightly drunk Y/n.

"What's that doll?" I smirk.

"We should Totally be friends with benefits!" I burp a little. "Fuck these relationships. I mean we good company with each other, so there won't be no awkward moments. We know each other pain a-a-and..." I drunkenly stuttered.

"Past?" Bucky added.

"Yes, exactly." I poke him in the shoulder.

"Wouldn't it be weird?" He spoke.

"Didn't you just..." I huff in annoyance. "We could make up rules." I suggest, Bucky nods.

"Okay if we did do that, what would the rules be?" He asks, placing his bottle of beer down on the floor.

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