Sneaking around

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The first three months went by so quickly, we struggled for a bit in hiding our little planned sexual friendship but as time went on it got a more easier in getting around the tower and the whole of New York. Best thing I ever came up with is that wearing dress or skirts which are so much easier to have when you're around Bucky. Plums worked for a while at least.

"Oh Bucky, you ready to go shopping and get some more plums?" I suggested, pouring some orange juice into a glass and taking a sip. I directly look at him with mischief in my eyes.

"Dude, I swear you and y/n brought some plums yesterday?" Sam replied, poking his head up from his cereal bowl.

"What can I say they just so delicious." He pat Sam on the back and wink at me as we take our leave.

Bucky and I drove to a secluded place. As soon as we parked up, I unhook my seatbelt and quickly jump on to his lap, just as he unhook himself. His lips driven against mine and his metal hand holds me in place. His tongue invades my mouth. I grab his face, running my hand through his lush black hair. He groans. His hand moves down my body, stroking my breast, my waist and my backside as his hand squeezes hard against my ass. I swift slightly.

"Fuck," He mumbles. I giggle while my mouth still against his. Bucky metal hand tightens around my hair, his other continues to skims down my body to my mid-thigh. His fingers gradually finds my sweet area, place one of them inside me. I moan and squirm on his lap. His finger brushes against my clit and I feel a jolt of electricity inside me. I kiss him more aggressively as I ride against his fingers. He slides them in and out from me.

"I want you." I groan, leaning my forehead against his. He gives me a wolfish grin, pulling his fingers from inside. He runs his hand down my thigh as he leads his hand to unzip, I carefully lift up. Pulling my dress slightly up with me. I make a quick scan of the area, even though the place is very secluded. Bucky shifts beneath me, putting a hand on my waist. He impale me in one swift move.

"Fuck!" I groan, grinding down on him, his breath hisses through lips. I push my lips against his, he wraps an arm around me, grabbing on to my ass as we start moving together. His metal hand lands firmly around my neck. Bucky and I groan loudly, my hand curls around in his hair as I wrap my arm around the back of his neck. He swaps his hands over, moving his human hand to my clit.

"That's it doll." He groans, removing his lips from mine and kissing down my neck. He increases the pressure of his fingers while I continue moving up and down against his member. I moan again, closing my eyes as the movement increases. Bucky breathing starts get heavier, he removes his fingers from me and puts his arms around my waist. He slams deep inside me. My body losses control. 


"Y/n!" He hisses in my ear. He rams into me one last time as he comes inside me and I around him. I lean my head against his shoulder.

"You okay, doll?" He whisper. "Did I tucker you out?"

"You wish, soldier." I chuckle, removing myself from his lap, repositioning my dress and taking my seat again. Bucky takes a few moments before zipping himself up. 

"We better get them plums before Sam gets more suspicious." He chuckles to himself before he starts up the car.

There were a few occasions were we would do the deed in my room. A very rare occasion when our going out hiding places wouldn't work or we would use them too much. 

Bucky laid naked on top of me as his tongue works wonders in my mouth, his hands exploring my body and mine exploring his when abruptly I hear someone coming to my door.

"I think I hear someone, shh." I whisper, hushing Bucky as he slides up to me kissing my neck. I hear a slight knock at my door. "Don't come in I'm naked." I shout and Bucky gives me the look saying 'Yeah, no shit.' and laughs as I hush him again.

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