It's a yes?

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The mission was simple, get in, kill and get out. Simple enough? 

Then why do they run when they see us? Is it because they hear the stories, the myths about the Winter Soldier and his accomplice the Crimson Snow. Do they all fear us when the sudden lights go out and their guards are silent as they call for them in panic or the eerie feeling that someone been watching them, entering their homes, doing their chores, relaxing as they drink the sweet savouring taste of alcohol after a long day in the office.

That is the sweet fear we give to them.

Before anything the Crimson Snow and I disable all security cameras and alarms. The target guards are put down silently from the shadows, not even a peep from them. The lights are disabled as we enter the premises, the target panickes and calls out for anyone. I swiftly move behind the target.

"Hail Hydra." I whisper, placing the barrel of my gun behind his head and shooting him at point blank. The target falls on the floor like a sack of potatoes. A shriek enters the room, the source of the scream comes from a young woman only a few feet in front of me, covering her face in shock and shaking like crazy. I look over at the Crimson Snow and quietly nod at her as she does the same. I walk up to the woman who began to plea in mercy, begging for her life through her tears. I ignore her and wrap my metal hand around her throat. Squeezing the life out of her, she fights hard... I didn't want... I don't want to do this. Stop... Please just stop, let her go. I screamed at myself, pleading with my own mind but my body doesn't listen...

"STOP!" I scream, shooting up from my makeshift bed on the floor. The covers barely over me and sweat dripping down my face. I grab my phone to see the time. Four o'clock in the morning. Only three hours of sleep and another fucking nightmare, give me a break. I groan, rubbing my face and getting up. There's no point in try to get more sleep, I just be getting rudely woken up by another one. I gather up my bedding and place it in the washing load for later, along with my pants as I walk into my bathroom and proceed in having a shower and getting ready for the day. After these years, I thought that maybe the nightmares would ease up a little but I guess that was a mistake. I can never escape on who I became. I tried everything from therapy to go full mental on missions but nothing really last long. I wonder if y/n still have them or maybe she more mentally stable than me. 

After the quick shower and getting dressed, I head straight to the training room and start off with a few weight lifting and then the punching bags for the last few hours until Steve came in.

"Another nightmare?" He asks, giving me a bottle of water.

"I don't want to talk about it right now." I softly said, accepting the bottle.

"You need to talk to someone about it, Bucky. You can't keep putting it behind you." Steve stood next to me.

"No, I'm good." I plainly said. I open the bottle and drank the refreshing cold water.

"Come o..." Steve began to speak.

"I said I'm good, Steve." I spoke strongly over him, throwing the empty bottle in a bin nearby.

"Bucky, have you spoken to y/n about it? She might be able to help." He continues to speak.

"I don't know, Steve." I shook my head, taking a seat by a bench. Steve joins me.

"I'm here until the end of the line, pal. You can tell me anything." Steve place his hand on my shoulder. Yeah, I can tell you anything but I'll be damned to tell him about the possible deal I made with y/n.

"Sabrina's right." I flat out spoke with a groan.

"About what?" Steve questioned.

"I am damaged, not as an Avenger but the Winter Soldier... I don't know how to get through it all. I have no clue on how y/n does it, she makes everything looks so easy." I huff, shaking my head.

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